Sherborne - Estates Bursar


We have an ambitious five year programme with the first major project being the £7.85M development of a new boarding house for Sherborne School. The scheme consists of a partial demolition and complete refurbishment of the existing Westcott House together with a 28 bed new build. Planning consent was granted in November 2019, work will start on site in July 2020 with completion due in summer 2021 and the house opening in September 2021. This will increase capacity by 50 and allow the School to grow to 650 boys. The Westcott project will be followed immediately by the redevelopment of the Sports Centre. The £13.1M project in the heart of the Sherborne School site will include a new second sports hall, four squash courts, two studios, a gym, sports performance area, new changing rooms and three new classrooms. The existing swimming pool and sports hall will also be refurbished. The project will take place in three phases over two and a half years to enable the continued use of indoor sports facilities throughout the build. Planning consent was granted in November 2019 and enabling works will begin in spring 2020. At the same time as these major projects, the refurbishment programe of the existing boarding houses at both schools will continue with two houses being refurbished each year. In addition, there are longer term plans for the further development of the theatre, science and technology facilities, Dining Hall and Music School.

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