King's Business - 1950-12

QUALITY BIBLE COLOB SLIOES “ A MINISTRY, NOT JUST A BUSINESS” Majoring in L IF E OF CH R IST . 79 slides in Koda- chrome. S E T EX TR A O RD IN A RY. Approved by Bible Institutes, Churches and Mission Stations all over the world. Each slide from Annunciation to Ascension is scriptural, numbered, titled with scripture reference and all characters conform. No captions show on screen. Not reproductions of some of the arts. Ideal for all fields. Scenes are beautiful and are extremely sharp. Slides are glassed for protection. Cost is low— 65c per slide. Nothino like them anywhere. Sole maker of this remarkable set. PARSON’S QUALITY SLIDE SERVICE 3310 Cherokee Ave., So. Gate, Calif. LO-6-4855 C.O.D. & Biola Missionary Slide Makers 8 yrs. I N S T A N T L Y A N Y B O O K , C H A P T E R , V E R S E . . At Your Fingertips! BOOK AND CH A PTER . . . The latest mechan­ ical improvement in the new Index Bible. The index finger finds the book, while the thumb locates the chapter. All in one motion! King James and American Standard Versions of the Bible and Testament. Page size, 3 % " x 6 1/16” . PR IC E S FROM $ 8 .2 5 • - $ 19.95 For full information write INSTANT INDEX DISTRIBUTORS Box 428 K I2 Lexington, Nebraska V_____________________________ ___ y Have Your Eyes Exam ined Now! D R . W . LA VERN SALTER DR . JOHN WM . SALTER Optometrists 226 Story Bldg., 610 So. Broadway Los Angeles 14, Calif. TUcker 4855 Serving Bible Institute students and instructors since 1926

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Christianity gives the biggest man his biggest job.

Give Me a Song God, give me a song for the world that’s sad When cometh the Christmastide, For fain would I teach the world a song Cheering and sweet, in comfort strong, To ease life’s hurt and to right life’s wrong; For many there be that walk this day With hearts attired in a lonesome gray; Low and sweet, low and sweet, Down in my heart these words repeat: Jesus the Saviour is born! —Ruth G. Winant Mighty to Save Some years ago there was a great shipwreck in the Indian Ocean. The ship had oil in cargo, and when there was no hope left, they let the oil flow out into the sea. Passer-by ships as well as a pilot in an airplane now saw a strange sight: all around the sink­ ing ship the oil was floating on the water, and all around, just outside the oil, were sharks by the hundred, but none of them dared get inside the ring of oil. By this strange providence the two hundred people aboard the ship were saved. Might this incident not illustrate in measure the power of God to preserve His own through tribulation and trial in this world, by the presence o f His Holy Spirit. —From a preacher’s sermon in Denmark. Trusting God Why take ye thought for raiment Or for tomorrow’s food? For God doth know your every need, And surely He is good. To feed the lowly sparrow Doth please our Father’s heart, And truly, in His mercies, His child shall have a. part. He clothed the lovely lily In dress of glorious hue, And if He clothed the lily so, Then shall He not clothe you? So think not o f the morrow For what to eat or wear, But cast your every burden, Into your Father’s care. —Laura Root. Wild oats need no fertilizer.

A Prayer It is said that a great preacher was so troubled by late comers to his services that one Sunday morning he prayed, “ 0, Lord, bless those mightily who are in their places; give grace to those who are on their way, and have mercy on those who are getting ready to come, and will never arrive.” Although you may have occasional spells of despondency don’t despair. The sun has a sinking spell every night. Something to Remember No man can break away from the church and its worship of God without feeling the effects of it in his own soul. If a man begins to serve the god of pleasure, or money or fame you will observe that very soon there be­ gins a moral as well as a spiritual de­ cline. When a man begins to absent him­ self from church worship something bad is taking place in his heart. Church attendance is optional as far as choice is concerned, but is obliga >- tory as far as moral and spiritual welfare is concerned. Strength Through Affliction A collector of moths obtained a living chrysalis which he kept in his conservatory through the winter. In the spring, observing the struggle of the moth to escape its prison, he de­ cided to help by making a slight inci­ sion in the enclosing sheath. Soon there emerged a beautiful Great Em­ peror moth. The happy collector placed the valued specimen on a shelf so that it might gain strength for flight. But the moth never flew. Being denied the struggle of getting out of its cocoon the muscles o f its wings had not de­ veloped. The collector’s intended kind­ ness had robbed it of its flying power. —The Evangel. (Continued' on Page 32) T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S Don’t call the world dirty because your glasses are not clean.

N E W S CR I P T UR E PRESS P f l t t ib o o H S Just the gift for 2-and 3 -year-olds— beautifully colored PATTI BOOKS. Large-lettered text on facing pages tells the story o f each picture. Plastic ring binding enables parents and teachers to fold back the pages o f the PATTI- BO O K and read text while holding up picture for children to see. Each book is 6V4 x 7 inches, printed in 4 colors on heavy stock, with sturdy varnished cover.

I’M GIVING— Pattibook No. 1. Shows specific uses for child's offering. 26 pages, 12 full color pictures. Each, 75c SH-H-H-H— Pattibook No. 2. Builds reverential attitude for prayer. 20 pages, 9 full color pictures. Each, 75c WHO LOVES PATTY?— Pattibook No. 3. Leads up to the great love o f Jesus. 24 pages, 11 full color pictures. Each, 75c WE ARE HELPERS— Pattibook No. 4. Teaches the Christian spirit o f helpful­ ness. 22 pages, 10 full color pictures. Each, 75c \ Special I u4* f °Ue* I ALLFOR / $ 2.95 Order from your favorite dealer or Jc nptH r ep r e ss - 434 South Wabash, Chicago 5, III. Dept. KBN-IIO Page Twenty-two

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