King's Business - 1950-12

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T T T * - ’ :. ■ H t i ML. H Donald Grey Barnhouse author, editor o f ETERNITY

Dr. Barnhouse brings more than twenty years of editorial experience to ETERNITY. After years of study and residence in Europe, Dr. Barnhouse taught history at the University of Pennsylvania but resigned to become pastor of one of Phila­ delphia’s historic churches. He has preached to students in universities throughout the world, is the author of many Christian books and articles, and is well-known for his Bible Conference ministry. § f ! i c p XTTrTVr THE MAGAZINE ° F H I JLJLV i NI 1 I CHR IST IAN TRUTH

ETERN ITY also publishes at least fifteen other regular feature articles and columns every month by a host of evangelical writers who have been associated with Dr. Barnhouse in his former editorial presentations. Among them are:

E TERN ITY features a monthly review of world problems in the light of the Bible, written by the Editor. His T OM O R R OW articles on current events have been months ahead o f opinions expressed in secular publi­ cations. In 1931 he published a map o f Europe showing the eventual abolition of Germany and the predominance o f Russia. H e reviewed Hitler’s MEIN KAMPF before it appeared in English at the same time that Dorothy Thompson in the SATURDAY EVENING POST said that Hitler would never amount to much. Before the war he steadily announced the Russian-German al­ liance and predicted T it o ’s departure from Russia a year before it was consummated. Five years before Pearl Harbor he published Japan’s aggression plans for Asia, and before the war was over outlined the world chaos which has followed.

D r . V ance H avner D r . R obert G. L ee D r . O swald J. S mith D r . F. W. B oreham M r . F red M itchell

D r . R alph G . T urnbull D r . R obert R. F ritsch D r . N orthcote D eck D r . L . S ale -H arrison D r . T. S tanley S oltau

Also included in each issue are some of the finest articles and sermons by such men o f the past as: C harles S imeon D r . G . C ampbell M organ J ohn N ewton D r . J. S tuart H olden What a wealth o f inspiring material! Well informed Christians consider E TERN ITY a MUST in their homes.

12 Issues • 1 Year—$3.00 N a m e ............................................................................................................................................................ S treet and N umber ................................................................................... C ity ........................................................... Z one ........... S tate ..................... ETERNITY • BOX 2000 • Philadelphia 3 , Pa.

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