King's Business - 1950-12

JUNIOR IOVES IT The new magazine for children from 4 to 14: Puzzles, dot-to-dots, handwork, stories about Africa, airplanes, cowboys, picture stories, fun AND leading to Jesus. $2 year, sample 10c. MY CHUM, Box K, Highland, 111.

to pay the taxes. Christ made Him­ self the lowest of paupers and of no reputation in social circles. He prayed that He would do the Father’s will. Christ Prayed- Not for the World John 17:9 We never read in the Scripture that Jesus or any o f His disciples prayed for the world to get better, for so­ ciety to improve or for the liquor traffic to be whipped. All of these things are well worth-while and are tremendously important to us. Never­ theless, there is no prayer about them. The reason is evident. What men need is to take God’s Saviour and let Him change the life as He always does. We need to pray that God’s people will be a greater blessing and min­ ister the Word of God in the power of the Spirit. Christ Prayed for His People Lnke 22:32 God’s people need to be prayed for. They need spiritual strength to go on for God day by day. They need to study His Word in order to live it and preach it intelligently; they need power against enemies who would de­ stroy them in their testimony. They need to know God’s plan and purpose in life. They need to be taught God’s will in regard to Christian service. They need their eyes anointed to see the need that abounds on every hand. So Jesus prayed for His own He is still making intercession for them at the right hand of God. Jesus Prayed About God’s Glory John 11:42 Jesus was always occupied with the honor and the glory of His Father. His actions were all guided by that principle. His words all revealed that state of heart. His care for others manifested His desires that God would be manifested in their lives. Others sought their own glory as

had many sacred interviews with His Father that are not open to inspec­ tion. The universe was heavy on His heart even while He was here. He must talk with His Father often about the tremendous problems of the universe. He had Satan and all his tricks to contend with. Some of His prayers are recorded. We will think of them in this lesson. Christ Prayed for Himself Matt. 26:39 We do not find in any of the re­ corded prayers of Jesus that He asked for anything for Himself in the way of comforts,.blessings, food, shelter, money, or conveniences. He never requested any earthly blessings although He hungered, thirsted, and was weary. He had to borrow a penny for an illustration. He had Peter catch a fish with money in its mouth

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