King's Business - 1950-12

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Pointers on the Lesson, H omer A. K ent , T h .D Helps fo r the Children, A llison A rrowood

Lesson material is based upon outlines of the International Sunday School Lessons coprighted by the International Council o f Religious Education; used by permission.

Jan. 7, 1951 JESUS BEGINS HIS MINISTRY Mark 1:1-20

However, if he came to ask for the hand of your daughter in marriage, you would be interested in his background. The Forerunner of the Servant 1:1-8 In harmony with the prophet Isaiah (ch. 40), John the Baptist appeared on the scene at the proper time to get things in readiness for the appearance of God’s Servant. John was a rugged man o f the desert but he had wonderful spiritual insight. He knew the impor­ tance of Him whom he was called upon to introduce. He did not hesitate to turn men’s attention away from himself unto “ the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world” (John 1:29). The Baptism of the Servant 1:9-11 In His baptism, we see the Servant identifying Himself with our sinful hu­ manity. It was a part of that which He came to do for us (cf. Matt. 3:15). This experience was accompanied by the com­ ing of the Holy Spirit for His ministry and an expression of the pleasure of the Father in the ministry of His Son. The Temptation o f the Servant 1:12-13 Following the experience of blessing at Jordan, there must be the experience of testing in the wilderness. The Serv­ ant’s complete loyalty to God is demon­ strated in the testings. The Wisdom o f the Servant 1:14-20 This is seen in His careful selection and training of others to aid Him in the work which He came into the world to accomplish. In a very definite sense every Christian is called to be a fisher of men. Helps for the Children Jesus Begins His Work Mark 11:1-20 Memory Verse: “Jesus said unto them, Come ye after me, and I will make you to become fishers of men” (Mark 1:17). For about thirty years the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, had lived in the T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

Pointers on the Lesson During this quarter we shall be study­ ing the Gospel of Mark. It may be well at the outset to consider the question of the relationship of Mark to the other Gospels. Why fou r Gospels? They are for the purpose of giving a full view of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is true that there is much similar material in each o f the four Gospels, yet each is distinct and gives a portrait of Christ from a different viewpoint. If four painters were to go down to the Lincoln Memo­ rial in Washington, D.C., to paint that beautiful structure and each painter exe­ cuted his task from a different direc­ tion, the result would be paintings of the same memorial but different in pres­ entation. Put all four paintings to­ gether and the person who had never seen the structure would be able to get a fairly comprehensive view of it. Thus it is with the four Gospels. They give four points o f view of Christ. Mat­ thew. was a business man, Mark a secre­ tary, Luke a doctor, and John a mystic. Each one of these writers sees something in Christ that the others did not see. Matthew sees Him as the Son of David, the King of Israel. Luke sees Him as the spotless Son of Man. Mark sees Him as the mighty Servant of God who com­ pletely accomplishes the will of Him who sent Him to earth. John sees Christ as the Son of God with emphasis upon His deity. In harmony with Mark’s purpose to present Christ as the mighty Servant of Jehovah, his Gospel is a book o f action. The key word is straightway or imme­ diately, which, with kindred expressions occurs 42 times in the book. The book is filled with activity, miracles and mighty deeds. The key verse of the book is Mark 10:45 which emphasizes the servant ministry of Christ. You will notice that there is no gen­ ealogy and no mention of His birth or infancy in Mark. These events would be out of place in a description of a serv­ ant. If a man came to cut wood for you, you would not ask him for his ancestry.

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