King's Business - 1950-12

small city of Nazareth with His mother, Mary, and with Joseph. Each day He had helped Joseph in the carpenter shop and mingled with His friends and rela­ tives in their play and work and wor­ ship. At last the time came when God was ready for His Son to commence the great work for which He had come to earth. John, the cousin of the Lord Jesus, had been sent to prepare the people for the coming of the Saviour. John was clothed in camel’s hair and a skin girdle. His food was locusts and wild honey. Faithfully he preached God’s message to the crowds who gathered about him at the River Jordan. He told them o f the coming Saviour who was so much greater than he. One day as John was preaching, the Saviour Himself came and asked John to baptize Him. John felt unworthy to baptize his Lord, but Jesus asked that he baptize Him in obedience to the Father’s command. As the Saviour came up out o f the water, John saw the Heav­ ens open and the Spirit in the form o f a dove descending upon God’s Son. A voice from Heaven, the voice o f God, said, “ Thou are my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” Immediately the Saviour went away into a desert place to be alone with His Father. For forty days Satan tempted God’s Son, but Jesus was victorious through the use of the sword o f the Spirit, the Word of God. After His baptism and temptation, the Lord Jesus was ready to call some help­ ers to work with Him. As He walked by the Sea of Galilee, He saw Simon, and his brother Andrew, fishing. The Lord Jesus said, “ Come ye after me, and I will make you to become fishers of men.” Immediately they left their nets. They, too, left their father, their serv­ ants and their fishing to follow God’s Son. Today, God’s Son is calling to you to leave whatever you may be placing be­ fore Him, and to faithfully follow Him that you, too, may become fishers of men. Are you willing to immediately leave all to follow Him? The Gospel of Mark is a book of swift movement. It is commonly accepted that Mark was written at Rome especially to appeal to the Romans. To the Romans the great things of life were action, service and efficiency. Hence Mark pic­ tures Christ primarily as the mighty wonder-working Servant o f God. There is quick progress in the book from one event to the next. We see this demon­ strated in this week’s lesson. Note the appearance of the key words “ straight­ way” , “ immediately”', “ forthwith” and “ anon” in the passages. They express the dynamic activity of the book. Cer- D E C E M B E R , 1 9 5 0 Jan. 14, 1951 THE VARIED MINISTRY OF JESUS Mark 1:21, 22, 29-35 Pointers on the Lesson

THIS LITTLE GIRL WAS FOUND TOO LATE. She died five hours after this picture was taken. However, another little girl; Ai Ling, only six, was more fortunate. When China’s Children Fund work­ ers rescued her, she was keeping her poor little, sore-ridden body alive by scavenging garbage in the streets. At a China’s Children Fund orphanage, loving care made Ai Ling a happy, useful, Christian woman. She had a talent for nursing and will soon be a graduate nurse. Ai Ling is America’s friend, Americans made her very life possible. The Russians can’t make her believe we are enslavers of the world. America needs friends in the Orient. . . and Ai Ling is our friend. Some little Ai Ling awaits your verdict. Will you save her life or will you say, "Go away, little girl, and die?" China’s Children Fund supports 80 Christian orphanages throughout the Far East. Funds can be safely sent to orphanages in Communist China through the American Bank at Hongkong. Only $10 can save a child's life for a month. $120 will "adopt" a child for a year and the child’s name, address and picture will be sent to you. You can correspond with the child. What is your answer? write to: Dr. J. Calvitt C larke CHINA'S CHILDREN FUND, INC. RICHM OND 4 , VIR G IN IA (MEMBER FOREIGN MISSIONS CONFERENCE OF N. A.)


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