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tainly the verses before us present a day of stirring events. Ministry in the Synagogue 1 : 21 , 22 Capernaum was now the home town of Jesus. He had moved here from Naz­ areth where He was not wanted. Scrip­ ture refers to it as “ His own city” (Matt. 9 :1 ). There was a Jewish synagogue in the place and “ as His custom was” (Luke 4:16) today’s lesson finds Him there. It is clearly evident from this that from His childhood the Lord Jesus honored the place where the Word of God was read and expounded. As teach­ ers, let us emphasize the importance of following the custom of Jesus in regu­ larly attending the house o f God for worship and instruction in the things of God. Jesus followed this custom even though many of those connected with teaching in the synagogues were not consistent in their living (Matt. 23:24). In the synagogue, the presiding elder, after reading the Scriptures, invited any who chose to do so to address the people. On the occasion o f our lesson we find Jesus availing Himself of this opportu­ nity. He made a profound impression by His teaching. He spoke with the authority of One sent from God. He needed not to quote from others to bol­ ster His teaching. He himself had the final word. Let us always remember this. Jesus is the final revelation o f God and nothing needs be added to what He has to say or reveal. Ministry in the Home 1:29-31 Following His ministry in helping the man with the demon (vv. 23-28), we find Jesus in the home of Simon and Andrew. Formerly these brethren had dwelt in Bethsaida but later moved to Caper­ naum, possibly to share the home of Peter’s mother-in-law after Peter’s mar­ riage (v.30). At any rate, the mother of Peter’s wife was ill with “ a great fever” (Luke 4:38). She experienced perfect healing at the hands o f the Son of God. By His touch “ immediately the fever left her” (v. 39). Then in loving gratitude she who had been sick arose and ministered to others. Is this not a beautiful picture o f what the response should be on the part of those who are healed by Jesus from the fever of sin? In deep gratitude they ought to be busy in Jesus’ name ministering to others. Ministry to the Multitude 1:32-34 From one ministry Jesus immediately proceeds to another. Out of a sense of need a great multitude gathered at Simon Peter’s home to receive the heal­ ing that they had heard that Christ was able to give. No disease or demon was able to resist Him. But it is interesting to note that Jesus refused to allow demons to declare His identity. He would not receive testimony from the hosts of the Evil One. God counts upon His own people to witness unto Him (Acts 1 :8 ). Ministry in Prayer 1:35 Three things about Jesus’ praying in this instance are suggestive: (1) He T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

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Joseph M . Steele* President

G eorge W . A rm s, D .D . H erbert W . Bieber, D .D . M elvin M . Forney Stanley K . Cam bell W alter T . Riem ann

Edward J. G riffiths, E sq., V ice President Joseph T . Britan, D .D ., Treasurer V ictor Buksbazen, B .D ., General Secretary H ow ard J. M iekley, Recording Secretary

Theodore Strong W ray

H arry A . Ironside, L itt.D . A lbert Sidney Johnson, D .D . * N ye G . Langm ade, D .D . Clarence E. M acartney, D .D .

A rcher E. Anderson, Th.D . L ouis S. Bauman, D .D . L orne H . Beiden, D .D . O . B . Bottorff

W alter E . M cClure, D .D . John H . M cCom b, D .D .

Lew is Sperry Chafer, D .D . N orthcote D eck, M .D .

Francis Shunk D ow ns, D.D.- W alter D . Ferguson, Ph.D . G . Allan Fleece. D .D . John P . Forsyth Graham G ilm er, D .D .

J. Vernon M cG ee, T h.D . R obert C . M cQ uilkln, D .D . C . V ictor Nyquist T . Roland Philips, D .D . H arry Rfm m er, D .D .

Norm an B. H arrison, D .D . T . Christie Innes, D .D . W ilbur M . Sm ith, D .D . Andrew Telford, D .D . 'ISRAEL MY GLORY' Inform atik. Scriptural, ChaUenpirtg, Senth a llcontributors,fi/soonr e fu e j.

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