King's Business - 1950-12

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Rev. Elmer L Wilder

Illustrated by Gladys Bowman

January 14, 1951 H ealing the H elpless

January 7, 1951 C ontacting for C hrist

Objects: Seven paper hearts, 8 inches wide, measuring 7 inches from the bot­ tom of the “V” to the upper notch, the total height of the heart being 8 inches, or-larger if visibility requires. (On the first heart, 1 inch below the notch print the word “HELPLESS,” placing the “H” in the middle of the heart. Cut just be­ low this to within an inch of each side, and down to within an inch of the point. This will leave a triangular opening. Above the word, cut several jagged holes. The second heart has the word “HOPELESS,” with the “ E” in the mid­ dle. This word is % of an inch lower than the first word. Cut below and above the word as directed for the first heart. On the third heart, print the word “DISEASED,” placing the “A” in the middle, and cut as directed. Each word is % of an inch lower than the previous one. The fourth heart has “UNCLEAN” printed on it, with the “L” in the mid­ dle. “ FEVERISH” is printed on the fifth, with the “ E” in the middle. The word “DEAD” is printed on the sixth, with the “D” in the middle. No hole is cut below this word. The seventh heart has a slot %x4% inches, beginning Yz inch from the notch and running down 4 Yz inches toward the bottom. Color this heart red. When it is placed over the others, the word “H-E-A-L-E-D” will show through the slot.) Lesson: What sad-looking hearts these are which I have brought this morning! We will need six boys and girls to hold them for us. We read, “HELPLESS,” “HOPELESS,” “UNCLEAN,” “DIS­ EASED,” “FEVERISH,” and “DEAD.” All have large ugly holes in them. They remind me of the sad people whom the Lord Jesus healed. We read in Mark 1:34, “And he healed many that were sick of divers diseases.” We will bring these hearts together, showing how people were brought to Christ. (Stack hearts in the order men­ tioned, allowing each word to show and hold firmly in that position.) As we place this red heart over the others, we will see what Christ did for those who were afflicted. We read the word “HEALED.” How happy they must have been to be healed by Him!

Objects: A magnet, several nails, a box covered with black paper, and a box covered with white paper. Lesson: How many of you would en­ joy going on a fishing trip with me? Yes, I see most of you like to fish. Did you ever stop to think that Jesus Christ was the best fisherman that ever lived? According to the fifth chapter of Luke, He had the power to tell the old experi­ enced fishermen the best time and place to fish.

Not only did Christ teach men how to catch fish, but He also taught them how to catch men with the gospel. He said, “ Come ye after me, and I will make you to become fishers of men” (Mark 1:17). You will think that this is a strange fishing trip on which I am to take you. These two bright nails are the bait. There are several nails in this black box which I want to transfer to the white box. I am going to fish for the nails in the black box with these bright nails. Jesus spoke about fishing for men with men, and accordingly we shall fish for nails with nails. We must remember that Christ said, “Come ye after me.” We will let this large magnet remind us of Christ. We will place one of the bright nails on each of the magnet’s points. If we are going to catch nails with nails, they must stay close to the magnet. See how easily the nails in the black box are caught and transferred to the white box? The bright nail by itself could not catch other nails. It must keep in touch with the magnet. Jesus Christ wants Christian boys and girls to be fishers for other boys and girls, taking them from a sinful life to a life of purity and service. If they are to be successful fishers, they must keep close to Christ. Did you notice that there is a cross of red on the magnet? When trying to fish for others, never forget to tell them of the cross of Christ, and His power to cleanse from sin.

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St. Louis 4, Mo.

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