King's Business - 1950-12

S h e l t o n C o l l e g e a new name for The National Bible Institute The Board of Regents of the University of the State of New York has authorized the change of name and also the granting of the Bachelor of Arts degree. The name is changed, but not the Bible em­ phasis or the Bible training program. SHELTON CO LLEGE is a liberal arts college founded on the historic Christian faith and the authority of the Word of God. Majors available in many fields. Write for catalog. SHELTON COLLEGE 340 West 55th Street New York 19, N. Y. NEW YORK 19, N. Y.

Benevolent Death Benefits Are a Christian Virtue We Provide Them for Ages 2 to 60 at a Most Reasonable Cost You are going to need the SAVINGS we can help you make on the cost of providing for your “ own house” in the event of death. Subscribe for THE CONSTITUTIONALIST. Information and sample copy free DIRECTED BY CHRISTIAN MEN. B E N E V O L E N T SOC I E T I ES 4031 Francis Avenue Seattle 3, Washington

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In Palestine A S fast as funds permit, the Board will complete the projected modem tuberculosis sanatorium at Ain Arrub in the Valley of Berachah where King Jehoshophat’s victorious hosts “ blessed the Lord” . A commodious new mission home has already been erected. Dr. Thomas A . Lambie writes: “ The old mission house at ‘Berachah’ or Ain Ar- rub, twelve miles south of Bethlehem, was despoiled o f everything, even the floor tiles and bathroom fixtures and pipes. Only the roof and walls were standing. The police had moved in a few months previously, evicting the refugees. But they didn’t want to turn the building over at once. Next the property is a camp o f 8,000 refugees, some of them very lawless; so it was considered God’s provision that the po­ lice post was there during these trou­ blous times.” The Independent Board was found­ ed to establish and maintain “ truly Bib­ lical missions” in all countries of the world. This unchanging purpose it


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Above, The new mission homo with Arab refugee camp, right background. Next, Close-up of our refugee neighbors. Third. Market scene outside Jerusalem.



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