2021 WLS Summit Book

Title XI. Indian Affairs Sec. 11001. Indian Health Service. Appropriates $6 billion, “to remain available until expended”, to the Indian Health Service for a range of Indian health activities, including $2 billion for lost reimbursements; $500 million for Purchased/Referred Care; $140 million for information technology, telehealth infrastructure, and electronic health records; $84 million for Urban Indian health organizations; $600 million for COVID-19 vaccines; $1.5 billion for COVID-19 testing, tracing, and mitigation; $240 million for public health workforce; $420 million for mental and behavioral health prevention and treatment; $600 million for facilities; and $10 million for water delivery. Sec. 11002. Bureau of Indian Affairs. Provides $900 million for BIA activities, “available until expended” for the following purposes: $100 million for the Housing Improvement Program; $772 million for tribal government services, public safety and justice, social services, child welfare assistance, and related expenses; and $20 million to provide and deliver potable water to Indian lands. Sec. 11003. Indian Housing. Provides $750 million for NAHASDA programs. From this amount, $455 million will be distributed through the Indian Housing Block Grants formula, and $280 million is dedicated to grants through the Indian Community Development Block Grant (ICDBG) system “to be used, without competition, for emergencies that constitute imminent threats to health and safety and are designed to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus.” Waivers are permitted to expedite implementation of approved ICDBG grants. Sec. 11004. Funding for Native Language Preservation . The bill provides an additional $20 million in FY’21 to ANA to award emergency grants for Native American language preservation and maintenance. Sec. 11005. Bureau of Indian Education. Provides $850 million for programs operated or funded by the Bureau of Indian Education (“BIE”), Bureau-funded schools, and Tribal Colleges or Universities. Sec. 11006. American Indian, Native Hawaiian, and Alaska Native Education. Provides $190 million to the Department of Education to be distributed for purposes authorized under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act for Native peoples. Title I. Agriculture Sec. 1005. Farm Loan Assistance for Socially Disadvantaged Farmers and Ranchers . Provides funds for payment or modification of existing USDA FSA loans and CCC Farm Storage Facility Loans held by socially disadvantaged farmers or ranchers. Sets payments at 120% of outstanding indebtedness, with amounts remaining after obligations to USDA or the guaranteed lender are paid, provided to the farmer to account for tax treatment. Ensures such payments do not affect the eligibility of farmers or ranchers for farm loans. Sec. 1006. Assistance for Disadvantaged Farmers, Ranchers, Forest Land Owners . Provides $1.01 billion to the Secretary for assistance to socially disadvantaged farmers, ranchers, and forest landowners who have historically faced discrimination by USDA, with such assistance provided directly to producers and through community-based organizations, land-grant universities, other minority serving institutions of higher learning. Sec. 1011. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. Provides $1.15 billion for SNAP benefits, available through September 30, 2023. Title II. Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Sec. 2201. Child Care and Development Block Grants . Provides $14.99 billion will remain available through September 30, 2021 to carry out the Child Care and Development Block Grant Act of 1990 (“CCDBG”). Such funds are authorized for use by states, territories, Indian Tribes and Tribal Organizations for child care assistance to health care sector employees, emergency responders, sanitation workers, and other workers deemed essential during the response to the coronavirus without income eligibility requirements. Sec. 2202. Child Care Stabilization. Appropriates $24 billion for FY’21 for eligible child care providers for use in accordance with CCBDG. (Expires September 30, 2021). Sec. 2204. Programs for Survivors. This provision appropriates $180 million in additional funding through the Family Violence Prevention Act for FY’21 to help survivors of domestic and sexual violence. The provision includes $18 million to carry out grants for Indian Tribes. An additional $1 million will go to support Indian communities under the National Domestic Violence Hotline Grant. Sec. 2301. COVID-19 Vaccine activities at the CDC. Provides $7.5 billion to the CDC for COVID-19 vaccine distribution. Tribal governments are eligible for grants. Sec. 2402. SARS-COV-2 Genomic Sequencing and Surveillance. Provides $1.75 billion for genomic sequencing, analytics, and disease surveillance. Tribal health departments or laboratories are eligible for grants.


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