LEADERSHIP The 2023 Head Prefect’s Junior Prize-giving Speech
many things to contribute, even if you are not rewarded for it today. We can all be proud of our efforts this year as we overcame the adversity of Covid-19 during Terms 1 and 2 with our heads held high, as isolations and changing levels stunted our momentum. Amongst the many things Covid-19 has taught us, we have learnt that you don’t miss it until it’s gone. So, the return to a normal routine saw many boys seeking new opportunities and reaching new milestones. The junior production of Rainbow’s Ending , junior Round Square, Immerse & Inspire and the College Diploma are all the finest examples of where boys have seized these opportunities and flourished due to their character and curiosity. These opportunities allow boys to put College virtues into practice, and to draw on their individual character strengths in the classroom, around the school and in the community. Some boys are being presented with Charles Upham Awards for Character today and we celebrate the strengths of creativity, courage, perseverance, and leadership that Old Boy Charles Upham was recognised for. The power of character cannot be overemphasised – you might not be the brightest in your class or the most athletic on the sports field, but there’s nothing stopping you from being a virtuous young man of empathy, kindness and humility. With this, I want you to be a College graduate with no regrets, someone who founded a multitude of networks with staff and peers, as well as made an impact on other people’s lives. Be
Te¯na¯ koutou, te¯na¯ koutou, te¯na¯ koutou katoa. Nau mai, haere mai. Nga¯ mihi nui ki nga¯ tumuaki o te kura nei. Ko Matua Wynne ra¯ua ko Matua Donaldson. Nei te mihi hoki ki te He¯mana o te Poˉari ko Matua Lindo. A very warm welcome to all the boys, staff and wha¯nau. It’s wonderful to see a roomful of faces here today to celebrate a year that we can
certainly all be proud of. With this roomful of faces, comes a room full of community and support, commitment and success. Today, we applaud the achievements of boys who have prioritised hard work and dedication in whatever aspect of College life that might be. Well done to all receiving a prize today. Prizes aside, I look out to a sea of students who have loads of potential and so
Christ’s College Canterbury
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