Register 2022

at the point by Jack Coles. Cameo appearances by Will Churcher were appreciated and we hope Rudi Beaven recovered from a very bad finger break. In summary, we would have benefited from a little more practice, but the games were intense and the visiting teams were always pushed hard. Ian Stevenson Manager

success came from their strong communication and ability to work to each others’ strengths. Liam Barrett’s consistency mid-court was a real strength in this respect, as were Luc Botherway’s and Will Gould’s general “have a go” attitude. The team were almost self- managing, and apart from one minor mouthguard snafu, appeared on court in good shape and in good heart for the entire season. Credit to them all. Chris Waugh Manager

throughout the contributing Canterbury schools. Many times we struggled to get enough fit players to create a team at both practices and games. Archie Davidson played very well under the hoop on both defence and attack. The rest of the team were present and enjoyed the free-flowing games. At times the scores were forgotten, and the boy simply played, enjoying each other’s company. We worked our way into the last few games of the season but were soundly beaten in every game, and finished in second-to-last place. Archie Davidson deservedly received the MVP award, as his play throughout the season was superb. He could be relied on to get the job done. Felix Bowden picked up our team player of the year, and he came into his own with his unselfish play throughout the season, attending all practices and fronting for all the games. Dom Botherway, although sometimes confused about the rules of the game, also deserved a mention as he played better and better each game as the disrupted season progressed. Neil Nicholson Manager INTERMEDIATE GREY BASKETBALL


Manager: Chris Waugh Coach: Canterbury Rams Team: Liam Barrett, Lucan Botherway, Jamie Burdon, Harry Campbell, Nico Elworthy, Will Gould, Jonty Inglis, Suhyuk Jung, Thomas McCulloch, George Pearse Senior White members surprised themselves as much as anyone with some strong performances in the late stages this season. While, early season, there were some games where the team were dominated from start to finish, things became increasingly more closely fought. Regardless of the result, the team smoothly executed every game as each player started to cement themselves in their areas of strength. Commitment to training was largely very strong and, as a result, there was perceptible improvement in many players, as well as in the team’s play as a whole. The players consistently conducted themselves with excellent sportsmanship, to the extent that they would – when the score differential was too big to conquer – give everything to the game right up to the final whistle. Senior White was the epitome of a great social team. They competed well, had fun, and enjoyed each other’s company throughout the season. The team’s performance was unquestionably driven by some very strong specific skills in the form of Thomas McCulloch’s ability to score from the opposite end of the court, Jonty Inglis’ semi- reliable lay-ups, and Nico Elworthy’s occasional inspiration in scoring three-pointers, but the team’s true


Manager: Samantha Squire Coach: Canterbury Rams Team: Ralph Allan, George Brakenridge, Tyson Crestani, Harry Grice, Nate Herewini, James Higginson, Tom McFarlane, Mixer Sanharat, Lee Voigt, Daniel Wei The boys displayed their character strengths admirably, both on and off the court. They demonstrated self- regulation, judgement, and humility. On the court, the boys had enormous zest for both the game and their teammates, sharing ball time among all ability levels in the team and supporting each other. Many games were closely contested and the team fought hard to qualify for the finals. The team was enthusiastic in both its games and training sessions. George Brakenridge was voted Most Valuable Player and Daniel Wei was our Team Player of the Year. Samantha Squire Manager INTERMEDIATE BLACK BASKETBALL

Manager: Helen Nicholson Team: Paddy Cochran, Bede

Elkington, Dan Flutey, Felix Huston, Tom Hodges, Lucas Minehan, Ollie Nicholson, Hunter Shore, Max Topham The Year 11 Friday night Grey team featured a group of enthusiastic and committed young men whose main goal was to have fun with their mates. While a social team, there was still a competitive element within the group and the players grew to support each other and show the true meaning of teamwork. The season started well, but as we drew closer to finals time, our strategy for scoring only three pointers became a little bit of a challenge. Our team player of the year was Hunter Shore, who was recognised for his enthusiasm for

Manager: Neil Nicholson Team: Felix Bowden, Harry

Beaglehole, Jonnie Bennetto, Charlie Blackburn, Dom Botherway, Archie Davidson (captain), George Grace, Tom Lambie, Oscar Olsson, Oscar Stanley, Hugo Sudell The season was another victim of Covid-19, with the pandemic taking hold and devastating teams


Register 2022 Sport

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