Register 2022

CRICKET 1ST XI 2022 Winner of the Gillette Cup, Winner of the CMCA Two-day 1st XI Championship

Fulton-Nicholls Trophy vs STAC, Nutcracker Trophy vs NWC Holder of the Heathcote William Shield and Ara One-day Shield

Back Row: Mr AG Morgan (Scorer), MJT Lewis, RA McClean, TR Harrison, Mr RJ McCone (Coach) Middle Row: Mr KR Ambler (Coach), ET Cochran, GJC Ryan, ML Hocquard, HAR Falls-Anderson, Mr AG Levenger (Manager) Front Row: JT Braithwaite, BJ Breitmeyer, TC Seeto (Vice-captain), NC Gibb (Captain), HR Sharr, OZ Shore, CJ Huntley


Christ’s College Canterbury

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