Register 2022

SPORT Cross Country

MiC/Coach: Graeme Christey Team: Jasper Moss (captain), Franklin Barry, Henry Church, Otto Church, Tom Foster, Noah Goodfellow, Lucas Gould, Jackson Grace, Jack Hastie, Henry Hiatt, Jack McKeown, James Melhuish, Aston Nijjar, Nate Ovendale, Nisal Pathirana, Michael Rankin, Thornton Reid, Ben Rookes, Finlay Sharpe, Oliver Simpson, Lewis Whiteside, Nick Wilson HARRIERS It was a positive season for a small group of boys who joined the College team. While it was affected by Covid-19 and the bad flu season, we had some good results. There was a mix of muddy and dry courses that, with the change in weather patterns, seemed to be the new normal in our sport. My thanks to Jasper Moss for helping me organise the boys at various championship events this winter. Interclub results College had only one athlete join this winter. Like the athletes in other years, Noah Goodfellow joined the Papanui Toc H Harrier Club to compete, providing the opportunity to participate in team events. He raced in the Lionel Fox Relay, Rawhiti Cross Country, Lakeside Relay, and Canterbury Road Racing Championships. For full results, go to the Athletics Canterbury website. COLLEGE CROSS COUNTRY CHAMPIONSHIP Because of Covid-19 restrictions, the annual May event was postponed and held the last week of Term 3, Monday

Top 5 Average Cup 1 Julius 2=

19 September. We were back to the ‘whole school event’ concept, but many boys were unable to attend for a variety of reasons. The last time a whole school event was held was in 2019. It was another great day of racing by the top part of the field over all the grades. There was again a good team of staff competing. The event’s success was primarily because of the efficient staff marshalling and the clean-up, combined with the support of the GAP students. Paul Rodley again played a key role, with his barcode system producing the results electronically so that the winners of House events were known within a few hours. Thank you, Paul.

Harper, Jacobs

4 5 6 7 8 9

Flower’s Condell’s Rolleston

Somes School




CANTERBURY SECONDARY SCHOOLS’ ROAD RACE The Canterbury Secondary School Road Race Championships were run on the cycleways in North Hagley Park on 10 May 2022. The conditions were cool, with a stiff southerly, but the rain held off. College had a small team, but all the boys ran well in the conditions. I was pleased with their pace judgement and how well they came through on the last kilometre. Times for some were down on last year but that was because of the weather. Congratulations to Jasper Moss and Otto Church, who won their respective grades. Thanks to Lochlan Nicholl and William Blanchfield, our two GAP students, for their help.

Results U14 Otto Church

James Melhuish Jackson Grace U15

Henry Hiatt Lucas Gould Thornton Reid U16 Nick Wilson Franklin Barry Aston Nijjar U19 Nate Ovendale Tom Foster Lewis Whiteside Overall House Cup 1=

Results Para 2km 1st Jasper Moss – 8.24 Year 9 Boys 3km 1st Otto Church – 10.22 24th Michael Rankin – 12.05 Junior Boys 3km 15th Jack Hastie – 11.21 19th Henry Church – 11.32 21st Noah Goodfellow – 11.37 29th Ben Rookes – 12.22

Flower’s, Julius

3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Harper Jacobs Somes

Condell’s Rolleston Richards





Register 2022 Sport

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