Register 2022

YOUTH BLACK HOCKEY Manager: Emma Bradley-Hudson Coach: Lochlan Nicoll Team: Loch Alexander (captain) Joe Chapman, Eli Clarkson, George Dale, Maddox Diver, Marco Howe, Jeffrey Jiang, James Johnson, Noah Kingston, Jayden Lee, Fionn Noble, Charlie Peacock, Ben Peebles, Oliver Skene, Daniel Stockton, Oscar Stove, Justin Wang, Monty Williams Over the season, the Youth Black team moved from from strength to strength, growing and developing into fine young hockey players. Covid-19 really tested the boys. Throughout the season we had constant roster swaps and players coming in and out of the team, and yet the boys pushed through, still being able to foster a strong team spirit. A special thanks to the amazing managerial skills of Emma Bradley-Hudson, who kept me from drowning in roster changes. The constant desire of the boys to keep improving resulted in some catching me at lunch just to ask what they could do better. I could not have been happier to help.

The boys really grew. A perfect example was Eli Clarkson, who, at the start of the season, was sceptical about the ball, to say the least, but by the last few games, he was playing up front and being a definite headache for the other teams. In the last game alone, he created multiple scoring opportunities. Maddox Diver was our rock in the defensive midfield and when he and Fionn Noble were on the same page, they were almost impossible to beat. Marco Howe had a great year, learning to be more confident in himself and to back himself in his goals. George Dale and Oliver Skene were our anchors in defence. Their long balls from the 16 to halfway regularly got us out of some pretty difficult spots. Noah Kingston, Justin Wang and Jeffrey Jiang would run marathons each game in the midfield, being crucial options, and when they were off, the midfield would just crumble. Joe Chapman and James Johnson had this way of sometimes getting on the wrong side of the umpires, but, in their defence, they would always give their all and nothing would be left on the field. Oscar Stove found a home for himself on the wing. He had an exceptional

ability to not only read the game, but also bend it to his will. Oscar regularly would draw a couple of players, creating critical spaces for the game to flow. Charlie Peacock was able to bring the mood up by cracking jokes when off, but come game time, his determination was second-to-none. Monty Williams was a real surprise this year, and the quiet kid was traded in as soon as it became game time. He became a fearsome person, who, on the field, would stop at nothing to win the ball. Finally, a shout out to Loch. At the start of the year he was considering giving up hockey but because of his tenacity and his eagerness to learn, he went all the way to join me at the 2nd XI hockey tournament as a GK. His ability to push through always lifted the team, lifted the spirit of everyone and their skill, too. While the scoreboard often was not a fair reflection of the game, you guys would always put on a show, and, for one last time, I want to thank you all for the year we had, and to wish you all the best in your future endeavours. Lochlan Nicoll Coach


Back Row: Mr NJ Lidstone (Assistant Coach), AG Stead, ZLT Adams, LA Wiseman, JA Garland, JW Durant, Mr DJ Thatcher (Manager) Middle Row: Mr MMW Crake (Coach), OG Chaffey, FE Harrington, ML Hocquard, JJH Sutherland, FJ McCormack-Young, TA Foster Front Row: NC Ovendale, JVC Bullen, TC Seeto (Co-captain), AJB Lloyd (Co-captain), HG Duston, WJC Morris, FWH Melhuish Absent: JH Baker-Sherman, JWR Griffin


Christ’s College Canterbury

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