Register 2022

SPORT Mountain Biking

MiC/Manager: Paul Rodley Coaches: Paul Rodley, Graeme Swanson, Craig Walker, Craig Oliver Team: George Rookes (captain), George Anderson, Jonathan Barnes, Sam Baynes, Sam Bennett, Josh Burton-Lyall, Tom Cottrell-Bone, Nathan Cranstone, Jackson Douglas, Charlie Frost, Lucas Gould, Seb Gray, Jacob Jacques, Angus Johnson, George Lee, Luke Manderson, Oliver March, Matthew Moggie, Ethan Pang, Jack Richardson, Ben Rookes, James Saunders, Barnaby Stanton Although the year was interrupted by Covid-19, we ran our own successful internal school competition in Term 1,

racing on the Montgomery Spur track. Boys competed in a series or four race events. Mountain biking was well supported in 2022, receiving a new, 20-bike, purpose-built trailer through a sponsorship programme with Marcel Gray. The trailer provides secure transportation of bikes to training and race events. The first term ended with a ride through Ashley Forest, supported by Craig and Ben Oliver. Craig Walker travelled to Invercargill in the Term 3 holidays to support George Rookes and Oscar Talbot, who competed in the National

Secondary Schools competition. Oscar gained a creditable 6th in the U16 event, and George gained a creditable 6th in the U20 age group. George Rookes competed in a range of mountain biking events in the last 12 months and was awarded Colours for mountain biking. Paul Rodley MiC/Manager and Coach Mountain Biking


Register 2022 Sport

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