Register 2022

C Grade The first game was against Rangiora. From the start of the match, Beau Armstrong was excellent on both attack and defence. It was a very close chukka, but Rangiora managed to score. With a late run for Beau, it looked like College was going to match up but the bell rang for time just as he was about to take the shot. The next game was against Christchurch Combined. Again it was not long before Beau had taken control of the game, but College failed to score. It was unlucky that the combined team got in a goal just at the end of the chukka. The last game was against Rangi Ruru Girls’ School. As a team, the boys played better. With more talking and support from each other, they dominated the game and Beau scored to secure a 1–0 win. In all games, Beau was the standout player and was awarded the MVP for the C grade. A Grade Like many teams in the current climate, there was a last-minute change, with a College player unable to play, so Finlay Blackwell stood in. We thank Finlay for playing with the team so that we could be in A grade.

The A Grade match was against Christchurch Boys’ High School. With teams both having players in the development squad, it was looking like a very even game. In the first chukka, CBHS put a lot of pressure on, having a few shots on goal. With an unfortunate foul by College, CBHS took the opportunity to score to lead 1–0 after the first chukka. Glen Armstrong was appointed coach for the game and had a team talk, emphasising that College was going too fast and needed to slow down the match and control the game. Oh, how that worked. Early in the second chukka, College scored to level the game. With more control and less speed, it allowed the boys to play a more tactical game. Finlay and Max Dormer both started to put points on the board to lead 4–1 by the end of the chukka. In the next chukka, there was a new set of ponies, and a recap of team strategy, with the boys off and ready. Max scored two more goals on his pony, Bounce. In the final chukka, College continued to play its game, forcing CBHS to foul. This gave away penalties to Max, who continued

to convert opportunities to points. These – along with goals from Sam Cochrane – led to a 10–1 win and claiming the South Island Polo Trophy. Special awards were also presented to: Sam Cochrane For sportsmanship, effort and always being there to help anyone that needs help. Max Dormer For best playing pony (Bounce)

Sunday 28 November 2022 Cancelled because of rain.

Monique Ellis-Martin MiC/Manager Polo


Register 2022 Sport

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