Register 2022

would have two crews in the A final. Another pleasing note was that the Magenta eight (College’s 3rd eight) had also qualified for the B final of the Maadi Cup, meaning College had three of the top 16 crews in the country. The first crew up for the finals was the U17 eight. The crew flew out of the blocks and had a half-length lead over the rest of the field within the first 500m. Unfortunately, this was not customary for this crew and, as the race went on, they started to tighten up. Entering the final stage, the crew stayed with St Bede’s College or Hamilton Boys’ High School as these two crews charged for the line. College’s U17 eight had to settle for 3rd. Next up was the U16 four. This crew worked consistently all week, trying to bed in the new crew. After a typical slow College start, the boys worked steadily throughout the middle 1000m to put themselves in with a chance to finish in the top four of the B final. Unfortunately, the finish came too soon, leaving College with a worthy 4th place in the B final – a good effort for a crew who had

only come together a week earlier. College’s final event on Friday was the U18 coxed four. College had two crews, with both the A and B fours qualifying. After another typical slow start, both crews worked diligently through the middle stages to put themselves in a position to challenge for medals. Unfortunately, as they made their moves, so too did the crews in front. At the finish, College’s

A boat was 6th and College’s B boat finished 7th. College’s only event on Saturday was the final event of the regatta, the U18 eight race, with three crews qualifying for the A and B finals. The Magenta eight (3rd eight) raced well to place 6th in the B final and finish 14th overall. In the A final, both the 1st and 2nd eights battled six other schools


Register 2022 Sport

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