Register 2022

Jack Bristed Award for Best and Fairest Player Alf Markham Most Promising Player

knockout stages. After a good week of training, we found ourselves up against Haeata, who we had lost to the week before, 38–22. We came in with an underdog mentality as Haeata was placed 2nd on the table and we sat 7th. In our new legacy kit, and after a back and forth game, a defensive masterclass and maybe our best game of the season, the boys fought right to the end, with Paddy Cochran scoring with two minutes to go to take the win, 38–34. The boys were thrilled to be moving onto the next round and eager to make that final, but we knew it would not be easy against Christchurch Boys’ High School. This was yet another back and forth game, with one team scoring and then the other scoring right back. Despite the heart and amazing game from the boys, two quick tries from CBHS at the end meant we fell short, 39–27. We knew the boys could be proud to have made it this far and, as coaches, it was great to have seen this team grow. All season, week by week, it was hugely rewarding as the coaches witnessed the boys progress. We would like to express our gratitude to all the parents and supporters who came to support the boys every week. To Stephen Dods, thank you for everything you do behind the scenes. To the coaching staff of the U15As, particularly Arthur Wood, thank you for all your assistance and support this year with lending players or helping in training. You made our lives a lot easier. Finally, to the boys, who have all come a long way as rugby players and young men. Well done on your attitude and being out their playing for one another and College. As College Old Boys, we have appreciated your spirit and commitment when wearing the jersey this year. Captain – Oscar Compton-Moen Our captain led from the front at every game and training. In the team, we felt it was an opportunity for him to take leadership as the boys seemed to look up to him and get along with him well. All season he came to training and games with

the right attitude and was always encouraging the boys to step up in any situation. Best and Fairest – Jack Bristed Trophy – Alex Fulton Our best and fairest award was voted by the boys and, as coaches, we could not have agreed more. This young man came to training every week with the best attitude. Whatever position we needed someone to play, he was always the first to put his hand up and say he would give it a go. He made training easier and more enjoyable as he would always be pushing the team to be their best. His motivational speeches (via social media) on Saturdays got the boys revved up. Most Improved Forward – William Wakeman As the season progressed, Will became more and more vital for us. He came into the team and did not say a whole lot at first, but grew in confidence. By the time the season finished, he was starting most weekends and getting full games. He was vital for us in the lineout and became a real leader within the forwards. Most Improved Back – Henry Hitchings As the back coach, this young man made my life a lot easier as he did not mind putting his hand up to play anywhere. He became a vital part of our backline on attack and especially in defence, being one of our most reliable tacklers. After his season, he made the tournament team, which he fully deserved. MVP – Bede Elkington This year’s MVP was awarded to someone who showed up every week with a positive attitude and a desire to learn and develop his skills. Bede was reliable and did not mind being moved about in the forwards to different positions. He was a strong ball runner and made dominant tackles. He was a vital part of our team and a true leader for the forwards, pound for pound as good as any player in the grade.

Gavin Holder Arthur Wood Manager/Coach

U15B RUGBY Manager: The Rev’d Cameron Pickering Coaches: Edward Peak, Bailey Libeau Team: Oscar Compton-Moen (captain), Sam Belcher, George Campbell, Lucas Carr, Paddy Cochran, Tom Costley, Bede Elkington, Dan Flutey, Alex Fulton, Matthew Geddes, William Gifford, Tom Hansen, Luke Hearne, Henry Hitchings, Lucas Kelly, Blake Lewis, Kees MacDougall, Oscar Malone, Frank O’Gara, Henry Smith, William Wakeman In terms of results, we landed a spot in section three after our grading games. We knew there were many positives to take away from these games, but we also recognised that there was a lot to work on. This year was pretty tough when it came to selection as Covid-19 and injuries hit our team hard. We were grateful as the season progressed to be joined by several boys, including Tim Hansen and Luke Hearne, who saw a need and answered the call. Despite all the disruptions, where a player might be fit on Thursday and down with Covid-19 by Saturday, we managed to field a team every game, with the boys giving it their all – even if we had fewer than 15 on more than one occasion. We had a tough pool with a significant number of teams being physically larger than us. However, in true Bombers fashion, the boys never gave up and remained committed, largely for one another and the pride of being part of the team. Our last two games of the round robin were against the two biggest teams, with both resulting in narrow losses. However, the boys were really starting to click coming into the


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