Register 2022

SPORT Sailing

MiC/Manager: Steven Everingham Coaches: Jonathan Clarke, Shelly Jackson, Victor Sue-Tang Team: Logan Baynes, Nico Blundell, Mitch Brents, Oscar Chaffey, Edward Foote, Oliver Glossop, Elliott Grey, Max Hao, Henry Hitchings, Dan Kelly, Harry Lee, Will Leech, Luka Legeay-Fisher, Arthur Mahon, Oliver March, Thomas Moggie, Sam Nicholl, Ben Oram, William Owen, Jack Simpson, Oliver Skene, Barnaby Stanton, Tim Tolerton, Alan Viles The 2022 season started with the threat of the nationals and regionals being Covid-19-cancelled because of

community transmission, starting in late January. However, the regional event in Timaru went ahead in late March, fortunately, with obvious restrictions such as teams separated from each other while competing. The team worked hard to rectify a poor first race, so a reversal of form resulted in the boys winning seven from nine races by the end of the first day. The second day allowed more racing against the central and lower South Island teams, with the team placed an impressive 2nd out of seven teams, just behind a strong Christchurch Boys’ High School

squad. The final breakdown was 14 wins from 18 races. This was our best-ever result for an event where our star skipper, Will Leech – a consecutive double champion in the national Optimist fleet racing – was excluded from the team on the day of departure because of Covid-19 isolation rules regarding a family member testing positive. Will was honoured in November, receiving a Yachting New Zealand youth performance award for another outstanding season in Optimists in 2022 at an awards dinner in Auckland.


Christ’s College Canterbury

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