Register 2022

SPORT Table Tennis

MiC: Lesley Anderson-McKenna Managers: Shelly Jackson, Victor Sue-Tang Coaches: Michael Hamel, John Cordue Teams: A Team: Steven Zhang, Ryan Gu, Jack Kennedy, Calib Wyness, Gordon Wyness B1: Thomas Saunders, Tom Cottrell- Bone, Luka Legeay-Fisher, Harry Penn B2: Angus Whitteker, Liam Allen, Duncan Fletcher, Luke Johnson, Jack Simpson C1: Adrian Chang, Max Chi, Ben Oram, Angus Vincent

C2: Matthew Rothera, Teo Arndt, Logan Baynes, Bill Li C3: Fraser McGregor, Lachlan Moody, Flynn Price, Hayden Reed Table tennis continues to remain popular at College and, in 2022, we began the season with 32 boys choosing it as their winter sport option. We have some talented players in the junior school and the future looks bright. Again, we entered six teams in the Wednesday competition, which was the highest number of teams from any school. Due to the calibre of our players, we were able to enter a team in the A grade again this year. We had two teams in the B grade and three teams in the C grade. We were

fortunate that both Mike Hamel and John Cordue were able to continue to assist us with coaching. John is a professional coach at Canterbury Table Tennis. During his playing career John played professionally in Germany and represented New Zealand on many occasions, including the 2014 Commonwealth Games in Glasgow, Scotland. Although currently not very active on the New Zealand tournament circuit, John still holds the No.5 position on the New Zealand ratings list. Michael has been involved in table tennis for many years in a competitive capacity. Michael and John made coaching an enjoyable experience for the boys and the players’ skill levels improved


Christ’s College Canterbury

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