Register 2022

noticeably over the season. We had another successful season, with four of our six teams playing for a top-three placing. The A team – Ryan Gu, Gordon Wyness, Calib Wyness and Jack Kennedy – played off for 3rd and 4th. The competition was tough at this level and the team lost to Middleton Grange A, 2–7, to come 4th in the competition. The C2 team won its final following a very successful season and the C1 team was 2nd in its grade. We congratulate these boys on their success. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the boys who were involved in table tennis this year for their enthusiasm and sportsmanship. As always, the interhouse competition is worthy of mention. It is great to watch the enthusiasm the boys have for the House competitions and table tennis is very

well supported at both junior and senior level. It is an opportunity for boys who do not play table tennis as a sport to show their talent. Somes and Julius were the finalists in both the junior and senior competitions. Julius won the junior competition and Somes won the senior competition. It was another busy and enjoyable season and I would like to thank all those involved in making it a success. Lesley Anderson-McKenna MiC Table Tennis


Back Row: LW Baynes, A Chang, TG Saunders, LRP Legeay-Fisher, AJ Whitteker Middle Row: Mrs LA Anderson-McKenna (Manager), JFC Kennedy, H Lee, M Arndt, Mrs ST Jackson (Manager) Front Row: LS Moody, AM Vincent, B Li, MJB Rothera, RY Gu


Register 2022 Sport

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