Register 2022

The Junior A boys had a rough start to the year, with many games affected by illness. Despite this, they came out swinging in Term 4 as they prepared for the Canterbury Junior Secondary School Championships and the South Island Junior Indoor Championships. The boys stepped up their game in the Canterbury tournament at Pioneer Stadium, finishing 8th in a strong field of 12. Finishing below teams they had beaten earlier in the tournament taught the boys some valuable

lessons about tournament play. They put this to good use as they headed to Nelson to compete in the South Island Championships. Some close losses over the first two days put the team in the bottom eight of Division 1, but when the boys found their stride on day three, there was no stopping them. Finishing the tournament with four good wins, the inexperienced Junior A side finished 9th in the South Island – a real accomplishment.

It is exciting to see the enthusiasm of many new players and the vast improvements in such a short period. We are lucky to retain the fabulous Nicky Pio as our coach for the 2023 season, and look forward to seeing the many talented boys continue to improve under her expert guidance. Special mention must also go to our Senior A captain, Matthew Brett, who was named in the NZ U19 squad for 2023.

Claire Nicolson MiC Volleyball


Back Row: Miss CM Nicolson (Manager), B Li, AJM Law, JFC Kennedy Front Row: LS Leota, TD Heath, MN Brett (Captain), IRK Cate, WHB Pryor Absent: EI Davidson, AM Lemalu, PD Palamo, Miss N Pio (Coach)


Register 2022 Sport

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