Register 2022

Our junior water polo team was a mix of beginners and experienced players who went from strength to strength this season. They had a most enjoyable season, gaining valuable experience and building strong friendships along the way. In the regular Canterbury League, the team had a great win against Christchurch Boys’ High School, followed by some big losses against Burnside, StAC and St Bede’s before finishing the season with a big win over Burnside B. Many complimented the players for their team spirit and for the way in which they played for one another. For us, while we always strived to compete, we had a bigger picture in mind. It was not all about the scoreboard – our goal was to put foundations in place on which to build a strong water polo culture at College. What stood out about this team was the members’ passion for the game – their heart and desire to compete. So when we faced those same teams again in the South Island Junior Water Polo Championships, we had narrowed the gap or turned results around completely. With wins over StAC and a complete transformation

against St Bede’s (eventual champion), who we had lost to by more than 20 goals initially, we narrowed it down to a 5–6 loss in regular pool play. We managed to qualify for the semi-finals of the South Island Championships, where we again came up against St Bede’s. It was another close encounter and we had plenty of opportunities, which, in future, we will be able to identify and act on sooner. However, our opponent proved to be fitter, stronger and more experienced than us on the day. In our 3rd/4th playoff – at 2–11 down with four minutes to go – one would think that the team would roll over and start preparing for next season. However, not this group of boys. They dug deep and scored six unanswered goals, running out of time in the process and eventually losing 8–11. With great plans in place for water polo at College, the future is bright. This group of young men will be our first group proudly flying the College flag on the big stage. I am exceptionally proud of the boys for all their hard work and commitment. In particular, I would like to single out Jamie Maling, who was the heart of our team. You were brave and

never stopped fighting, and your sportsmanship and teamwork are the blueprints of how College teams will look in future. We wish you the best for your return to England. I also wish to thank Logan Ball for his support in doing an outstanding job as manager and for all the behind the scenes administration, which allowed me to focus on enjoying the season with you. I look forward to the exciting future of water polo at College.

Neil Nicholson MiC Water Polo


Register 2022 Sport

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