ACADEMIC Major Prize Winners
The Charles Upham Character Awards
These awards celebrate character strengths in action in the classroom, around the school and in the community. Up to two awards are made in each year group. They are named after Old Boy Charles Upham, who was awarded the Victoria Cross & Bar during World War II. Charles Upham is recognised for his strengths of humility, courage, perseverance and leadership. To be eligible for this award, a student must have received a Character Award during the year (for students in Years 9–11), or a MANifesto Award (for students in Years 12 and 13).
perform in the junior production whilst in pain and on crutches. He works well with others and makes the most of his opportunities.
by the empathy, kindness and humility he demonstrates in his daily school life. He works diligently in the classroom, displaying a strong work ethic, perseverance and personal excellence. Max is always willing to offer a helping hand and never complains about what is asked of him. He is a leader by action and example.
Joshua Shannahan Year 9 Character Award
Josh has received five character awards this year, highlighting strengths of creativity, perspective, zest and a love of learning. He shows great humility in what he is able to achieve and willingly gives of himself to help others. Josh is an excellent sportsman who demonstrates teamwork and fairness in the way he competes. He is also committed to his studies. Josh has a great rapport with others in his House and has grown in confidence throughout his first year at College. Max Airey Year 10 Character Award Max has been influential within Flower’s House and sets an example for others through his sheer determination to succeed, balanced
Alf Markham Year 10, Character Award
Alf is an outstanding young man who always puts others before himself. He is often the first to offer help or volunteer, and is usually the last to leave, thanking people as he goes. Incredibly respectful, empathetic and humble, Alf leads by example in both the classroom and on the sports field. He is a leader within his House and balances his strengths of love, honesty, teamwork, fairness and zest to good effect. Alf clearly displays and upholds the College.
Nisal Pathirana Year 9 Character Award
Nisal has clearly used his strengths of zest, love, kindness and gratitude in his first year at Christ’s College. Whether it be in the classroom, on the stage or on the football field, Nisal always gives his best effort in a positive, cheerful and respectful manner. He showed great perseverance and bravery to
Bede Hamilton Year 11 Character Award
Bede consistently demonstrates an attitude of endeavour, perseverance and willingness to push himself outside his comfort zone. He is always looking for ways to improve himself, and with his strong work ethic has overcome academic challenges to reach the College Diploma gold level for academic achievement. Bede shows good self-regulation and a love of learning, through the effort he makes in the classroom, as well as showing respect and empathy to those around him.
Christ’s College Canterbury
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