Mike Sitz Angus Ranch LLC - Mike Sitz Angus/Joel Johnston Angus Bull Sale [2/3/25]

Mike Sitz Angus Ranch Joel Johnston Angus 84711 460th Ave, Burwell, NE 68823

Welcome! We appreciate the interest you have in our Bull Sale. Take a look at the sale offering, compare, and see what our program has to offer. Please feel free to call if you have any questions, or to set up a time to visit the ranch to view the bulls. Be sure to check out the DVAuction videos. We look forward to seeing you Monday, February 3, 2025 at Burwell. Come for lunch! The Sitz and Johnston Families Selling 95 Top Two-Year-Old Virgin Bulls Monday, February 3, 2025 - 1:00 CST Burwell Livestock Market, Burwell, NE

Bub and Pam Chaffin Repeat Customers since 1988

Some may remember the Chaffin Hereford Field Day, a yearly event held in the 1960’s and early 70’s at the Chaffin Hereford Ranch north of Burwell for FFA and 4-H members of the area. RB Warren from the University of Nebraska- Lincoln was the official judge of the five classes of animals— four classes of Hereford cattle and one class of horses. Leland and Marie Chaffin along with their son, Bub, held this event to help promote their Hereford bulls. One would ask; With this strong Hereford heritage how did Angus bulls arrive on the scene at the Chaffin Ranch? Bub said calving ease in the Hereford heifers was proving to be a problem, which prompted the Chaffin’s to use longhorn bulls on their first calf heifers. This did solve their calving problems but marketing the calves became a concern. Bub decided to try Angus bulls, and when the first Angus bull stepped onto the ranch, Bub’s dad, Leland exclaimed, “What the heck is that!?!” However, Leland was soon won over by the benefits the Angus breed provided. Bub and Pam Chaffin first bought Angus bulls from Mike Sitz in 1988. Initial purchases were CSU Rito 4114 sons; bulls with high maternal. The next 36 years saw Bub and Pam continuing to pick out a certain type of maternal bull building their cowherd. When asked why they liked the Mike Sitz bulls, Bub said, “The bulls make really good cows, and the steer calves always sold really well. The calving ease on heifers is excellent.” Bub added, “And when you top the market nationwide, why would you change?” Bub is referring to the Steer Tracker Market Report that is posted throughout the country, where two years ago the Chaffin steers selling at the Burwell Livestock Market, were the top selling steers in the nation. Bub said, “I didn’t get any sleep the night before the sale worrying about how the calves would sell, and then I didn’t get any sleep the night after the sale because I was too excited about the steers being top in the nation!” Pam, the care taker of the bulls, said her favorite set of bulls are their MSAR Emblazon 2092 and MSAR Emblazon 2092 -4079 (Century) sons. She appreciates their temperament and says the daughters are so fertile. Bub and Pam, and daughter Jamie, along with part time help from their son, John, and grandchildren, are the work force of the ranch—and don’t forget cow dog, Buckie.

Mike & Debra Sitz

Bethany, Joel and Jordee Johnston

Bub and Pam Chaffin with Buckie

1 Mike Sitz Angus

Joel Johnston Angus Bull Sale

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