Calculating with fractions and decimals
Double each of these fractions. Give your fraction as a mixed number. (a) 3 __ 5 (b) 8 __ 9 (c) 5 __ 7
Talk to a partner about how each of the bubbles are equivalent to 1 __ 2 × 4.
1 2
of 4
4 2
50% of 4
1 2
× 4
0.5 × 4
4 ÷ 2
+ + + 1 2 1 2
1 2 1 2
1 2
4 1
Write down as many equivalent calculations as you can find for these calculations. (a) 1 __ 4 × 12 (b) 2 __ 5 × 20
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28/04/2022 12:13
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