Max Maths - Making Real-World Connections SB3 FULL

Unit 7 – Whole numbers and fractions

1 Write down the fractions shown by the coloured parts and compare them. (a) (b)

is greater than


is less than


Carl is thinking of a unit fraction. It is greater than ​ 1 _ 5 ​but less than ​ 1 _ 2 ​. What could the fraction be? Write the smaller fraction each time. (a) ​ 1 _ 8 ​and ​ 1 __ 10 ​ (b) ​ 5 _



8 ​and ​ 7 _ 8 ​ 6 ​and ​ 3 _ 6 ​

(c) ​ 4 _

5 ​and ​ 3 _ 5 ​

(d) ​ 1 _


What could the missing numbers be?

1 4

3 10


is less than

10 is greater than


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03/05/2022 10:19

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