Max Maths - Making Real-World Connections SB3 FULL

Unit 4 – Lines and shapes


Work with a partner to design a poster to help others identify the differences between cubes and cuboids, and between cones and cylinders. What do you need to tell them about?

Each group will need a camera to take photographs or a notebook and pencil for sketching. Go for a ‘shape walk’ outside. Sketch or photograph all the shapes you can see in the environment. Did you see any of these 2D or 3D shapes?

circles semicircles squares rectangles

pentagons hexagons octagons

cubes spheres cuboids

cones cylinders

Photograph or sketch some of the shapes you see. Work together in the classroom to make a presentation to show others. You can use your sketches, print out your photographs or make a presentation on the computer.


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03/05/2022 10:18

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