More multiplication
Talk to a partner about how you could calculate each of these multiplications.
(a) 25 × 26 =
(b) 40 × 6 =
(c) 21 × 8 =
(d) 300 × 7 =
(e) 19 × 4 =
(f) 25 × 14 =
Some of Jade’s strategies are written below. Match each strategy to one of the calculations.
Multiply 3 × 7 and then use your place value knowledge to find the answer.
25 is one quarter of 100, so multiply 26 by 100, then find one quarter by halving and halving again.
Multiply 4 × 6 and then use your place value knowledge to find the answer.
Multiply 4 by 20 first, then adjust your answer.
Multiply 8 by 20 first, then adjust your answer.
25 is one quarter of 100, so multiply 14 by 100 then find one quarter by halving and halving again.
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01/12/2021 14:51
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