Max Maths - Making Real-World Connections SB5 FULL

Decimals with a total of 1 and 10 Let’s Learn Together

The number 0.43 is shown in the hundred square. The whole square represents one whole.

The remainder of the square represents 0.57. 0.43 + 0.57 = 1

Let’s Try It

Write down an addition statement for each diagram.




0.69 + 0.31 = 1

Let’s Practise

Complete each number sentence: 0.2 + = 1 0.45 +


= 1

0.91 +

= 1

38 + 62 = 100 Use this number fact to help you complete the calculations: (a) 3.8 + = 10 (b) + 0.62 =



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01/12/2021 14:57

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