Quincy Hearing August 2017 Edition

Hearing Health TIPS

These Everyday Things Are

instance, are twice as likely to experience hearing loss than the rest of the population. Follow your recommended diabetic treatments to reduce this damage. Blow-Dryers A hair-dryer near your head can put out more than 85 decibels of noise, past the point that the National Institute of Health says could put you at risk for hearing loss. Maybe next time, consider air drying your hair-do. Loud Music Live shows aren’t the only music that’ll damage your ears. Cranking up the volume in your earbuds to drown out outside noise can hurt more over time than even the loudest performance. Keep the volume at or below 60 percent to make sure it’s at a safe level. If you still can’t hear the music, consider sound-blocking headphones. Medications Diuretics for heart disease, chemotherapies, and antibiotics can damage your ears. Getting better is probably your first priority, but it’s worth talking to your doctor about whether the dose is high enough to hurt your hearing. Ibuprofen and aspirin can also hurt your hearing in large amounts, so make sure to stick to the regular dose.

Anybody who’s headed home from a concert

with ringing ears knows how much damage loud noises can do to

your hearing, but obviously, rock music is far from the

Damaging Your Ears

only culprit. Here are a few sneaky contributors to hearing loss to

watch out for. Blood-Related Conditions Diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol affect almost every cell in your body, including your ears. Vibrations from tiny hair cells in your ears send your brain messages about what you’re hearing, but those cells need proper blood flow to function. Diabetics, for

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Avocado and Cucumber Cold Soup Summer may be drawing to a close, but the heat doesn’t feel like it’s going anywhere soon. Cool off with this light, cold soup and enjoy those last few sunny summer afternoons!

Ingredients • Olive oil • 2 medium ripe

Recipe inspired by kirantarun.com.

• 1 clove garlic • ¾ teaspoon salt • ½ teaspoon black pepper

• 6 stalks spring onions • 1 jalapeno • 1 lemon, juiced • ½ cup cold water

avocados, halved • 1 large cucumber, halved


4. Chop grilled veggies and puree with lemon juice, cold water, garlic, salt, and black pepper. 5. Once smooth, portion soup into bowls and refrigerate to cool before serving. 6. Garnish with toasted cubed bread, avocados, spring onions, chives, lemon zest, or a drizzle of olive oil, if desired.

1. Preheat grill to medium-high. 2. Coat halved avocados with lemon juice to avoid browning. Brush olive oil over avocados, cucumber, spring onions, and jalapeno. Oil grill while hot. 3. Grill vegetables until everything is grilled or slightly charred. Once grilled, remove and place on platter to cool.


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