Advanced Vehicle Technologies In the future, exciting new advanced vehicle technologies hold the promise of preventing even a first drunk driving offense. MADD has been a key supporter of the Driver Alcohol Detection System for Safety, or DADSS, which MADD has helped advance since 2008. This passive technology uses touch-based and breath-based systems to detect alcohol levels and stop a vehicle from operating if the driver is drunk. Deployment of this technology has continued to move forward and is expected to be tested in Virginia in late 2018. In addition to DADSS, fully autonomous vehicles have the potential to help completely eliminate drunk driving. MADD is working in partnership with the federal government, the auto industry and technology companies to advocate for safe development of this lifesaving technology. With 94 percent of all crashes caused by human error, fully autonomous technology has the potential to eliminate tragedies on our nation’s roadways. In June 2017, MADD National President Colleen Sheehey-Church testified before the U.S. Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee to express MADD’s support for fully autonomous vehicles. Law Enforcement Support We recognize that law enforcement is our first line of defense, and we stand with our law enforcement heroes who are on road patrol and at sobriety checkpoints as they put their own safety on the line to protect the public. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaigns provide critical resources to police departments, and MADD showed its support by strongly advocating for and participating in these efforts. Despite all of our progress, drunk driving remains the leading killer on our nation’s roads. MADD remains laser-focused on the Campaign that will end drunk driving — high-visibility law enforcement, ignition interlocks for all offenders, advanced vehicle technology and public support for all of these proven initiatives.
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