HOT|COOL NO. 1/2023 "AI & Digitalization"

ference in Groningen, the Dutch commission for the climate agreement invited Energie Samen and the Danish Embassy to organize a workshop of 75 minutes on the day of the Cli- mate Agreement in Utrecht on the 3rd of November 2022. This workshop centered around the cooperative model for the expansion of district heating in the Netherlands. Another spin-off from the conference in Groningen was a joint effort of municipalities and cooperatives to get the definition of en- ergy communities, as defined in European law, in the revised Dutch Heat Act that is under preparation. This definition is of great importance to get, similar to the Danish district heating

model, the non-profit principle established in the law for co- operative district heating.

In other words, Dutch cooperative district heating is in the making with inspiration from Denmark.

For further information please contact: Rie Christiansen Krabsen:


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