Park Lane Wedding

西式婚宴午宴菜譜 Western Wedding Set Lunch Menu

Pan-Seared Duck Foie Gras Chestnut Tart, Crispy Cordyceps Flower Chestnut Powder, Rhubarb Compote, Garden Herb 香煎鴨肝配栗子撻

Seasonal Mushroom Consommé Morel Mushroom 羊肚菌清湯

Charred Australian Beef Tenderloin Truffle Mash Potato , Buttered Kale , Confit Onion , Wild Mushroom Jus 炭燒澳洲牛柳配蘑菇汁


Pan-Seared Atlantic Black Cod Lobster Bisque Risotto , Asparagus , Mussel and Leek Butter Sauce Crispy Leek Julienne 香煎黑鱈魚柳配青口牛油汁

Mango Cheese Cake, Fresh Berries Chocolate Coulis 芒果芝士蛋糕

Petit Fours 西式美點

Coffee or Tea 咖啡或茶

每位淨價港幣 $1,280, 另加一服務費 HK$1,280 per person plus 10% service charge

菜單上的食材供應有可能受季節影響 , 柏寧酒店保留最終決定權以更換同等價值之食材 Seasonal ingredients on the menu may be subjected to changes, depending on the avail ability

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