How would you describe your journey to becoming a Proverbs 31 woman? Long… I was so stubborn! I always needed to be in control and quite the rebel preacher’s daughter. It took me hitting rock bottom at 36 to shift me. I lost everything after my 18-year marriage ended. I had to face myself. I literally decided I didn’t like myself and I was going to let God heal me everywhere I hurt and wouldn’t abort the mission. No matter how long it took. I had to unlearn so much that society had taught me. I put a do not disturb up on my heart and rolled up my sleeves and went deep diving into my messy heart. God began to heal me over the next five years. I fell in love with myself. I fell in love with God, for real! My life began to feel like it was on a fast rollercoaster. I began to see God radically change me into a strong Proverbs 31 woman with a generational anointing to set captives free. I think God knew I would be a transparent preaching beast. He knew I would give hell a headache every day I woke up. I lost everything at 36. Preached my first sermon healed at 41. Wrote my first book at 43. Here I am 50 and realize my life is just beginning. I pinch myself every day that I get to preach all over the world weekly and Pastor the greatest church on the planet. Just ten years ago I was working in cosmetics. God loves to show out. That’s how I became a Proverbs 31 woman. Obedience. I put in the work. I never quit.
Some women may think well that’s nice for her, but I’m (fill in the blank) too old, divorced, never been married, broke, the list goes on, I could never be the Proverbs 31 woman… What would you say to the woman who may be feeling like they could never be like the Proverbs 31 woman as described in scripture? Stop believing those lies. You have a superpower. You can birth life out of your body. You can come back from anything. Until you see yourself as a daughter of royalty you won’t act like it. You gotta tell yourself every day, “As long as I gotta pulse, God’s gotta plan” you have to be your biggest cheerleader. Get some people around you who won’t let you quit. Who pushes you to breakthroughs and not breakdowns. The way you talk and see yourself will determine your destiny. Change it and be intentional about being the first one in your family to break generational curses. You are bold, confident, transparent, and really know how to invade people with hope, grace, and the love of God. Being familiar with your story, I know that it wasn’t always like that for you. “As long as I gotta pulse, God’s gotta plan”
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