Can you share what you were like before, when the shift happened and how you become the bold and confident woman that you are today? I was a preacher’s kid. I was bad. I was rebellious. Couldn’t tell me anything, I was tore up from the floor up. I was raised in a religion that said “women couldn’t preach” and basically women felt less than. Well, I didn’t like that so I rebelled. I was proving a point to the world but ended up hurting myself. I was at World Harvest Bible School and ended up dropping out because Pastor Rod Parsley wouldn’t let me date the piano boy. Ended up marrying him and that was eighteen years of up-and-down mess. Finally, around thirty-six it ended and it brought me to my knees. I was broken for real. Lost and confused and felt like an unlovable broken human. The next few years were the best years of my life for healing. They were hard but I refused to quit. I felt like God was going to do something special in me if I kept showing up and healing myself. He did. At thirty- nine I was radically changed. I looked like a completely different person. I got saved for real and God become my everything. I was preaching in my car back then and posting daily on social media. Those videos took off and God revealed me to the world. God showed me that I thought because the curtain had closed in my life the production was over. But God had to close the curtain to set up for the next scene. The scene He was going to be behind. I’m so thankful I surrendered .
Look at what God has done. Now, Pastor Rod Parsley is my spiritual dad and he is so proud of me. Y ou talk a lot about your pain becoming your purpose… What was the defining moment when you realized that your pain had become your purpose? When I had videos go viral. I realized that the thing that God was using to unveil me before the entire world once was my greatest pain. I would just talk to the world transparently about my past and how God healed me. The world related and God trusted me. God always will use your worst pain to elevate you to the world if you let him. He doesn’t waste your hell. We often do this by not talking about our past.
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