I am here to tell you if God can do it for me, he can do it for you because he is no respecter of persons ( Acts 10:34 ). People of God, particularly women, because this is the decade of the Woman submit themselves to what you hear in your time of prayer. What you have heard in your prayer, God will make possible. This is your greatest hour, in spite of all that has happened to you, this was the contraction and the preparations that you needed to propel and launch into your destiny. On your mark, get set, and Go! This is your go time; it is now your time to apply pressure so the holy spirit can penetrate and permeate all the world ( Mark 16:15 ). Last but definitely the beginning, in 2019 the Lord said to me that he would begin to open up doors for me. I remember I sat in front of one of the gatekeepers in the political arena who asked me a question and that was "What can I do for you?" I had no idea that that question and my answers would be the key to unlocking my political seat. In 2020, I ran for my seat and won by a landslide and made history as the first Caribbean Woman to sit in that seat in 57 years. Two years later I am the first Caribbean Woman Vice Mayor in the entire county in 60 years.
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