King's Business - 1917-02


TABLE OF CONTENTS Editorial: A Professor’s Responsibility—^Wicked Follies of the Rich—The Historical and the Spiritual Christ— Beware of Rome—A Foolish General............................. 99 Evangelism in the Sunday School. By H. J. Baldwin........... 105 The Institute Family............................. ..................................... ] ]2 Obedience vs. Understanding. By William Evans, Ph. D., D. D.............................................. ............................. ......... 1J3 Temptation. By Prof. James Stalker*....................................... 115 Puzzling Passages and Problems............................................. 1 12 1 The Far Horizon.................... 126 Through the Bible with Dr. Evans............................................. 129 Evangelistic Department. By Bible Institute Workers........ 133 Homiletical Helps. By William Evans....... j ................ .......... 141 International Sunday School Lessons. By R. A. Torrey and T. C. H o rton ................................................................ 149 Daily Devotional Studies in the New Testament for Indi­ vidual Meditation and Family Worship. By R. A. Torrey ........................................... ................................. . 175 SUBSCRIPTION PR ICE :he U n ited S tates a n d its Possessions, Mexico, C an ad a a n d p o in ts in C e n tra l A m e ric an P o stal U nion, $1 p e r y e a r. In all o th e r foreign countries, $1.24 (5 s. 2 d .). Single copies, 10 cents. R eceip ts sent on req u est. See d a te on address tag. “S ept. 16** m eans E xpires Sept. 1916, etc. PUBLISHED BY THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES 536-558 SOUTH HO PE STR E ET LOS ANGELES, CAL.

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