King's Business - 1917-02

P ocket T estament L eague A movement to strengthen Chris­ tians and to win the unsaved to Christ /by the spread of God’s Word. What is it? |

“I HEREBY accept membership in the POCKET TESTAMENT LEAGUE by making it the rule of my life to read at least one chapter in the Bible each day, and to carry a Bible or Testament with me wherever I go.”



Three million members in all parts of the world. Churches, Christian organizations and communities spiritually awakened simply by the reading of the Word of God. Information, membership cards and literature sent free on application. No charges or dues for enlisting in the League. POCKET SIZE TESTAMENTS King James Version 21/2x3 ¿4 in., ]/l in. thick, clear print, India paper Containing fifteen illustrations, hymns, League. pledge, sug­ gestions for members, the “Way of Salvation” and “My Decision.” Three different bindings: No. 2C—Green cloth, round comers, gilt edges. 30c each, postpaid. No. 3B—Black flexible leather, divinity cir­ cuit, round corners, red under gilt edges. 60c each, postpaid. No. 5N—Pigskin, limp, overlapping cover, round corners, gilt edges. Brown only. $1.00 each, postpaid. THE POCKET TESTAMENT LEAGUE Room 508, 156 Fifth Avenue, New York City

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