All School Handbook 2022-2023

First Aid In case of emergency, parents will be notified immediately. The emergency form kept on file must reflect CURRENT information. Should the school be unable to reach a parent in case of an emergency, the child will be taken to the nearest hospital. Medication - Whenever possible, medication is best taken at home. - Personnel cannot administer any prescription or non-prescription medication until a completed and signed School Medication Authorization Form is provided to Levine Academy, including Aspirin/Tylenol, except by written permission of parents. - If your child has medication to be taken during school, it must be brought to the school nurse in its original container with a note stating the time, dosage and frequency the medication is to be given. This note must be signed by a parent. - If the treatment is ongoing, only one note per school year is needed. - Temporary medications may not be stored in a child’s classroom without a written note from the child’s parents. - Students may not carry medication during the school day. Exceptions apply only to asthma inhalers and EpiPens, when age appropriate. - Prescribed inhaler is for the intended individual’s use only and not shared with others. Violation of this policy shall result in immediate suspension of the student’s privilege to self-medicate. Allergies Please notify the school nurse if your child suffers from allergies. An allergy list will be posted in each classroom so all teachers are aware of every child’s needs. If your child has life-threatening allergic reactions, three EpiPens must be given to the school – they will be kept in the classroom, the EC or Main office and the nurse’s station. Written, dated and signed instructions must be kept in the nurse’s office. Please remember to check the expiration date on all medication. A nurse is on duty at Levine Academy during school hours. In addition, the teachers and staff have been trained in First Aid and Pediatric and Adult CPR. Injuries In case of accidental injury, the school will make an immediate attempt to contact a parent. - If a parent (or a person designated by parents as one with permission to authorize medical treatment for a child) cannot be contacted, the Head of School, Principal, or administrator will make the necessary decisions, provided a signed medical authorization is on file with the school. - If necessary, the school will contact the child’s physician, an ambulance or paramedics. - Parents assume responsibility for any resultant expenses. - Please keep the school up to date on phone numbers, emergency numbers, and other pertinent medical and safety information. KASHRUT AND FOOD RESTRICITIONS ON-CAMPUS Kashrut , or the Jewish Dietary Laws, is one of pillars of Jewish practice and life. Kashrut is one of the most significant ways of making our behaviors kodesh – holy. Judaism teaches us that nature and our basic drives are neither holy nor unholy, but they are waiting to be holy, and by our thought, intention, and ability to distinguish morality we can make all of our acts holy – even the way we eat. While we completely respect each of our family’s personal observance and spirituality at home, we maintain a standard of Kashrut that is inclusive of all families and is guided by the principles of the Conservative Jewish Movement. Personal Lunches and Snacks: 1) No Meat. In order to preserve our high standard of Kashrut with ease, we simply ask that any food brought from home contain no meat. 2) Restaurants. We cannot supervise restaurants. If you bring your child food from a restaurant,


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