All School Handbook 2022-2023

- Logical knowledge – extending the child’s concepts of reason and order. - Visual perception – the ability to obtain meaning from visual stimuli. - Auditory perception – the ability to select pertinent sounds out of the environment or to organize sensory data. - Language development – skills in listening and speaking which build a foundation for later reading, writing and communicating. Spiritual Goals The early childhood environment serves as a community where children learn to trust themselves and others. Havdalah, Torah Service, Kabbalat Shabbat and holiday celebrations are joyful, shared experiences where children become familiar and comfortable with basic Hebrew vocabulary, Jewish rituals and concepts, mitzvot , Jewish values, G-d and tzedakah . Jewish life in the Levine Academy Early Childhood encompasses all aspects of hands-on learning. As the children interact with their peers and teachers, the children grow to understand the value of belonging to a group, a family, a community and the Jewish People. Physical Goals Each child will develop an awareness of their body. Based on developmental ages and stages of young children, appropriate activities will enable each child to develop: - An awareness of body. - Gross motor coordination skills through large muscle activities. - Fine motor coordination skills through small muscle activities. - Self-help skills. - Physical movement through games and music. DRESS CODE Please dress your child appropriately for a day of work and play. Activities may be messy at times. Clothing should be comfortable and easily managed by the child in order to encourage independence and self-help skills. It is strongly suggested that your child wear closed-toe shoes for safety. An extra set of labeled clothing, including socks, should be brought to the classroom at the beginning of the school year. Please change the extra set of clothing according to the season. Lost and Found Lost clothing is brought to the office throughout the year. Please label your child’s clothing so that it may be returned. If you are unable to locate an article of clothing, check the lost and found box at the EC entry door foyer. Educare Activities are offered for the 3’s and Pre-Kindergarten children from 12:45-2:00 P.M. or 2:00-3:00 P.M. – depending on release time. The 2022-2023 Educare classes can be found on the school’s website under MyLogin in Levine’s Parent Resources section. • Morning Care/Late Care is available from 7:45-8:45 A.M. in the morning and from 12:45-6:00 P.M. in the afternoon. Rest periods will vary depending on the age of the student. Carpools are offered at 2:00, 3:00 and 3:30 P.M. There is no late care on "early release days." FIELD / CLASS TRIPS During the year, children in the three-year-old and Pre-Kindergarten clusters may participate in a field trip. In order to meet the regulations of the Texas Health and Human Services, our licensing agency, class field trips are taken with parent drivers only and with the written consent of parents. Each child will be in a car seat or booster seat and seat belted. Parents must leave their child’s car or booster seat for transportation purposes. (Please label your car seat.) The EC does not keep any car/booster seats at the school for emergencies. No child will be transported in the front seat of vehicles with or without an airbag. Every precaution will be taken to ensure the health and safety of the children. Every parent driver must present a copy of their license and proof of insurance. EDUCARE AND EXTENDED DAY •


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