All School Handbook 2022-2023

Inspiration. means that Levine Academy seeks to develop in its students the free exercise of inner vision. Inspiration is about the cultivation of imagination, the fostering of hope, and the development of one’s personal voice. Inspiration refers to each person’s quest to create, to amplify possibilities, and to conceive of a better world. Yes, inspiration is frequently seen in the art class or in the language arts class, but at Levine Academy we also see inspiration as the free flow of energy that leads to problem-solving and helps children to awaken and enlarge their sense of human experience. Knowledge. governs our academic program across the board—General and Judaic Studies—the pursuit of knowledge is focused on cultivating exploration, curiosity, questioning, and critical thinking. Knowledge is centered on the process and actions of inquiry, which means developing those crucial thinking skills that lead to analysis and interpretation. Experience with inquiry and the construction of knowledge is incorporated throughout Levine Academy’s celebrated Middle School Judaic classes and in its Humanities subjects, leading students toward exercising successful, investigative thinking and problem-solving skills. The active pursuit of and positive regard for knowledge prepares our students for leadership roles throughout high school and for success in their advanced level college prep courses. Character. is about instilling a strong sense of pride in Judaism by giving students the tools for full participation in all aspects of Jewish life. Character is about developing a strong sense of identity, which means cultivating one’s individual Jewish identity as well as growing one’s knowledge and appreciation of one’s Jewish heritage and traditions. Character means developing one’s own confidence through the cultivation of voice, which is one’s innate, G-d-given style or place in this world. At Levine Academy, we see character formation happening all the time: character is as much dependent on a strong across-the- curriculum writing program as it is developed in regular Torah study, in our prayer services, and in our promotion of the School’s seven middot.

A Jewish day school devoted to the inculcation of Inspiration. Knowledge. Character. is a school devoted to excellence. However, “excellence” needs to be defined.

At Levine Academy, the term “excellence” is not used casually. Teachers and staff all work to promote our School’s mission by participating in advancing our professional learning community, which means that we are “looking out the window” to search for best practices in other schools, take in current research, and embrace the best in educational wisdom. Conversely, we spend little time “looking into the mirror” which can aid the complacency we seek to eliminate. Our joy and celebration are centered on the goodness that springs from pursuing our mission. STATEMENT OF COMMITMENT TO ISRAEL The creation of the State of Israel is one of the seminal events in Jewish history. Recognizing the significance of the State and its national institutions, we seek to instill in our students an attachment to the State of Israel and its People as well as a sense of responsibility for their welfare.

ACCREDITATION, MEMBERSHIPS, AND AFFILIATIONS - Accredited by ISAS: Independent Schools Association of the Southwest - Member of Prizmah: Center for Jewish Day Schools - Member of the Texas Association of Non-Public Schools - Founded by Congregation Shearith Israel - A Partner Agency of Jewish Federation of Greater Dallas


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