Transformer Modules

Feel Welcome Feel VAlued: Your role

You Are An eXPerIenced trAnSFormer

of since? Have you had opportunities to connect with our guests already.

Today I will give you more information about what we really mean when we say [insert desired behavior]. Knowing exactly what we mean by that will give you a lot of confidence when dealing with guests. You will know exactly what kind of behavior we want you all to display. You will see that having a more intense contact with our guests will make your job even more fun than it already is.

What is your role in the roll out of the Feel Welcome Feel Valued guest experience? As a Transformer you need to behave in a certain way to bring Feel Welcome Feel Valued to life during the sessions. You are the Brand advocate and initiator of this program and it starts with you as Transformer. Here are some useful tips and tricks to make the colleagues feel welcome and valued at your session: • Be genuine, be yourself • Introduce yourself properly by sharing personal guest experiences for example • Say and show that you are for the full 100% behind this program • Greet colleagues in your sessions like we would greet guests in our hotels, ie. Use their name, shake hands, say you are happy they are there, say you look forward to making their time with you a useful one • Answer their questions with patience and respect; there is no such thing as a stupid question • Respect a difference in opinion (not everybody will be joyful to join your sessions – they prefer ‘just to do their jobs’)

You have been selected to facilitate this global roll-out because you have a passion for training. Therefore the sessions are written in a ‘minimalistic’ manner. That means that your normal ‘introduction + conclusion’ are not fully scripted. You will need to decide yourself on a short (2-3 minute) Introduction for each 10-minute session and a 3-5 minute Conclu- sion. Unless you decide to run more than 1 session at a time, then you only need to do 1 Introduction and 1 conclusion (see earlier comment under ‘How’). We will just give you a short list of reminders of what is important when facilitating sessions and groups of colleagues: Introduction: Ask them to switch of their phones, think of why they should be there – what is in it for them, tell them what you will talk about (topic), tell them how long it will last (time), what is expected of them in terms of participation and lastly what they will learn today (learning objective), encourage them to ask questions. Some ideas for your introduction: • Ask them a question about the topic to get them involved • Share a (personal) story about the topic • Do a small quiz/energizer if it relates to the topic Introduction #1 Good morning everybody! Welcome to our [insert module] which is called [insert name]. Ask a variety of questions to break the ice: How have you experienced our previous session? What did you enjoy? What have you been thinking

Explain what the flow of the session is and what the Ambassadors can expect.

Ask if there are any questions and start the session.

Conclusion #1 Say: We have now come to the end of our session and I would like to do a mini quiz to see how much you have remembered. Split the group in 2 teams and give each team a buzzer. Explain that you will ask a question and that as a team they need to decide on the correct answer. As soon as they agree on an answer, ring the buzzer. The team who has most questions correct wins the box of chocolates.

Ask Questions about the module Celebrate the winning team.

Make a link to the next session and when that will take place. Wish everybody good luck in practicing of their behavior.


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01-05-16 23:29

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