Transformer Modules

SeSSIon 1 | PerSonAlIZe & mAKe It SPecIAl

Activity (5 min): Split the group into 3 teams, each to work on a flip chart. Their task is to write as many personal, original, passionate varieties of ‘have a nice day’, ‘enjoy your meal’ and ‘did you have a good journey?’ in a more Cousu Main way (give each group 1 of these phrases)

Learning Objective: Experience being greeted in a personalized and customized manner, and say how that contributes to a Cousu Main service moment.

Set uP

Debrief: activity by having the 3 groups demonstrate/say their new phrases to the other groups.

10 min (might take a little longer…) Indoor Team 7-12 pax

Ask: How did it make you feel when greeted in a non-standardized way?

mAterIAlS 3 flip charts Markers

tAKe-AWAYS • Be creative in the way you say ‘ordinary’ things, it makes a difference

SuStAInInG Approximately 6 weeks after this session: Send participants a reminder about ‘personalized greeting’. See communication calendar for more details.

SeSSIon BrIeFInG Ask: What is the difference between saying: Have a nice day OR I really hope you have a great day today

Answer: The second way is much more heartfelt, it sounds like you really mean it. The difference lies in the fact that people notice something when you say it in a different way (Example: When I ask somebody, ‘how are you’, the other person automatically answers with ‘fine’. Chance is I probably do not even take the time to wait or listen to his answer, as I’m certainly not expecting a real, personal answer such as ‘well actually I’m not very well…’ Ask: How can we make our greetings more personal, more original, and more passionate in order for them to be noticed by our guests? What I mean is, how can we say our standard phrases: ‘have a nice day’ ‘Enjoy your meal’ ‘Did you have a good journey?’ in a more Cousu Main way?



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01-05-16 23:31

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