SeSSIon 6 | eleVAtor PItcH Learning Objective: To personalize and customize each and every guest interaction by sharing what Sofitel has got to offer.
Activity: Let’s go and practice this in pairs. Each one of you is to hold 1 pitch. Your pitch can last 1 minute maximum. And do keep in mind the experience you want your guests to have, therefore keep in mind the following questions: • What are the positive/unique selling points of the hotel/food/….? • Remember it needs to contribute to making the guest feel special and welcome • What do you want to achieve when you hold your pitch? • What is useful to share and what is not? • Who are you pitching for? What type of guest is it (tourist or business)? • How could you use what Sofitel stands for in your pitch (excellence, elegance, open mindedness, Joie de vivre, generosity)
Set uP
10 min (might take a little longer…) Indoor Team
mAterIAlS Flip chart Markers
SeSSIon BrIeFInG Ask: What do you think an elevator pitch is?
Give a few minutes to prepare, then spend 2 minutes on the pitch.
Answer: A pitch is a short story that you share with somebody to make that person enthusiastic about your work, your plan, your idea, your product, etc. Ask: Why is it called an elevator pitch? Answer: The idea behind it is that whenever you are in an elevator with an unknown person and you engage in conversation with that person, you have until the 10th floor (for example) to quickly and simply make that person enthusiastic about your story. Ask: What are typical situations when you have a few moments with guests and you can quickly and simply tell them what Sofitel is about? Answer: When walking them to the room/banquet room, when explain- ing the breakfast buffet…
Debrief: Transformer together with Ambassadors to point out a few of the general observations; What went well, what could be more ambitious? Write your comments on the flip chart. tAKe-AWAYS • Holding an elevator pitch is a practical usage of our time together with a guest • We often tell the same selling points of our hotel to guests, so we can practise it well • We make sure we adapt our pitch to the different types of guests
PS-Accor-Sofitel-TM-V6.indd 121
01-05-16 23:31
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