Transformer Modules

01:10 | our AccorHotelS luB- SoFItel BluePrInt

Let’s think about that for a minute. We will map out this desired experience in the following way. • I want to ask you to take 3 post-its each and please answer the question; “How do I want Sofitel to be experienced by our guests?” (We already know we want our guests to experience AccorHotels LUB as Feeling Welcome and Valued) • Then write 3 answers to that question on your 3 post-its.

Ask: How do the words you have written down match the words on the official blueprint?

Explain: How the experience leads to our behavior, which in turn leads to the ideal working climate and lastly that determines the leadership role. YOU are the ultimate influence on that guest experience. You create that unique style for our guest. By surprising with Cousu Main service. You create that lasting and memorable impression. You connect to our guests. YOU are the new experience. Wouldn’t it be great if we were able to achieve this together? I am convinced that we will!

Explain: Our guests too are increasingly aware of what they want, and the only way of ensuring that they continue to come back to us is to turn them into life-long Raving Sofitel fans.

Show: Simon Sinek the golden circle com/watch?v=u4ZoJKF_VuA

Say: Now that you have answered those questions, can you please stick your post-its on the flip chart.

Ask: What do you see?

Say: Let’s take a look at what you’ve posted. Let’s take a look at the Sofitel blueprint that has been decided upon.

Facilitate discussion

Handout: Sofitel blueprint and refer to the Service Culture & Experience Guide.

Ask: Do you know the #1 job requirement for someone who wants to work for Apple? You must love Apple, the rest can be taught. If employees love Apple, they will talk about Apple with love and care, they will sell more and they will talk about the product with passion and emotion. Explain: It starts with the Who/Why – if you say: our being changes, then everything else changes. Who/ why are desired experiences, this is the world of being. Then you move onto the “how” – doing. Using this principle and this basis, we have come up with our WHO, WHY, WHAT and HOW. What do you guys think about this?

Show: Blueprint.

Show: Part 2 of Brand Experience Movie Sofitel.

• Desired Guest Experience, in every contact with a Sofitel Ambassador we want the guests to feel welcome, feel indulged, feel valued/special and feel magnifique. • Optimal staff (Ambassador) behavior to facilitate this desired guest experience is, I am genuine, I am generous, I care and I share my passion. • In order to stimulate this desired guest experience, we must have the optimal stimulating working climate. We work together in a trusting, empowering, appreciating and celebrating environment, one where we blend performance and enjoyment. • Optimal Brand experience leadership (our leaders help us to create an exceptional guest experience) a leadership that supports, coaches, recognizes and rewards.

Facilitate discussion

Say: Let me ask you some broad questions, if you are to create a new experience for Sofitel, we first have to understand and create a desired guest experience.



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01-05-16 23:30

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