module 1 FeeL WeLcOme FeeL VaLueD
In this module you will find a detailed overview for you, the Transformer, and 3 scripted sessions in order for you to bring the blueprint to life with your team.
This Feel Welcome Feel Valued module is the first module after the Kick-Off session. With this module all Sofitel Ambassadors will get a better understanding of what we really mean by Feel Welcome and Feel Valued and how they can work better together to deliver the desired experience for our guests.
At tHe end oF tHIS module tHe AmBASSAdorS WIll Be ABle to
• Understand and explain what support the Sofitel Ambassadors need from their colleagues/leaders in order to really make their guests Feel Welcome and Valued at Sofitel hotels.
• Explain what Feel Welcome Feel Valued means from the AccorHotels LUB perspective through the AccorHotels LUB video. • Bring FWFV to life in their own individual way, thereby contributing to the unique experiences delivered by AccorHotels LUB at the diverse brands.
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01-05-16 23:30
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