Transformer Modules

SeSSIon 1 | AutHentIcItY/ BeInG GenuIne, QuAlItIeS BASed on tHe tHeorY oF core QuAlItIeS (oFmAn)

Take the 3 Post-its with your qualities and write down concrete visible behavior that expresses this quality (A for A and B for B).

Example of quality: Enthusiastic. Concrete visible behavior: I say to a guest ‘how wonderful to see you again in our hotel!’ Share these behaviors and add to them if necessary. Transformer Note: Remember this is about positive qualities and it should be used to focus on the positive qualities. 1. What I do if you go into the wrong direction?

Learning Objective: To create awareness of your own core qualities/ sincerity and be able to use these consciously while taking care of/ serving guests. To know which behavior matches your genuine core quality.

Set uP 10 min Indoor Team

Ask: a few participants to give their examples.

Ask: participants what it was like to do this exercise. Aim for: • Sharing qualities gives you a good feeling. • One is not always aware of one’s own qualities. • Talking about qualities makes you more self-confident. • Awareness of your qualities and matching behavior makes it easier to keep on using/showing them. tAKe-AWAYS • Ingredients for genuine behavior. • Positive feedback from fellow Ambassadors. • A positive, good feeling about oneself in order to craft magnifique moments.

mAterIAlS Markers Post-its

SeSSIon BrIeFInG Say: Being genuine is one of the optimal Ambassadors’ behaviors in the Sofitel blueprint. It helps us to create the desired Sofitel guest experience. It makes our service unique and creates unforgettable experiences.

Ask: 2 or 3 Ambassadors plenary. Can we give rules or guidelines for being genuine?

Conclude by saying that being genuine is personal for everyone. Where one person can be genuinely warm and welcoming, the other may be a star when it comes to efficiently providing exactly what the guest needs. We all have our strengths in being genuine in our own special way. Work: in couples (preferably Ambassadors who already know each other) A and B: write down 3 of each other’s genuine qualities (A for B and B for A) on 3 Post-its. Share and briefly discuss. Do you recognize yourself? Is this new to you?

SuStAInInG About 6 weeks after this session:

Send participants a reminder about ‘ being genuine’, using their core qualities. See the communication calendar for further explanation.



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01-05-16 23:30

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