SeSSIon 4 | BodY lAnGuAGe Learning Objective: Experience first hand how body language, and the type of Body language you have, affects your perception of the person, and your overall experience.
Ask: the Bs to copy this exaggerated behavior. After another minute, ask the As to step aside and the Bs to keep on walking the way they did when they followed the As. Ask the A’s to watch closely and draw conclusions about their attitude and behavior. Let A and B briefly discuss what A saw and what B noticed: what struck you? Do you recognize yourself? What impression did it make on you? What exactly made this impression? Repeat, changing roles. Discuss: that we are almost always visible for our guests and that they will ‘read’ us by our body language. Evaluate some body language by connecting it to ‘I feel welcome’ and ask what body language specifically makes guests feel welcome tAKe-AWAYS • Awareness that body language gives you a lot of information. • Consciousness of one’s own attitude. • Possibly reasons to continue behaving the way you do or to change something about your attitude.
Set uP 10 min Indoor Team
SeSSIon BrIeFInG Start this session with a somewhat aggressive and hostile attitude. Come into meeting) room and slam the door, throw your stuff onto the table, stamp your feet and have a negative expression on your face!
Say: Good morning/afternoon, this is going to be a nice session about body language.
Ask: what impression you made by entering the room like that. Obviously, you’ll hear comments on your attitude and not the words you said.
Say: As we already saw, body language is far more important than the words we speak. Let’s do an exercise with that.
Ask: everyone to stand up and form pairs (A and B). Ask the As to start walking and the Bs to follow the As, copying exactly the way the A’s walk. After 1 minute, ask the As to exaggerate their movements, behavior and attitude. Note: this is about the ways that the As really walk, they don’t have to adapt to a made-up model.
PS-Accor-Sofitel-TM-V6.indd 46
01-05-16 23:30
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